How to Make a Good Tension Wrench
by Chris
by Chris
So you want to pick locks? Well you will need tools and some shit like that. I am not going to tell you how to pick a lock enough people are doing that what I'm here to tell you about is the tools. The tension wrench more specificly. Anyways most people say to buy a tension wrench or to use a small screw driver or whatever but what if you have no money? Or dont want to ruin a screwdriver? Well I have a very useful peice of information. First get an allen key looks kinda like this:
Then get a file. Its really not that hard I know you can do it (a grinder would work too but I dont happen to own one of those). Then take the file and file away at the short part of the allen key so it is flat. File both sides. DON'T file it so that the thin edge of it is pointing down the length of the allen key. File the top and bottom so that the wide part points down the length. There you have it a tension wrench.