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Info on what VMB's are and how to hack

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Mailbox Systems
Mailbox systems are the link between information and the underworld. If
you have ever called one, then you will know the advantages of having one,
especially the ones that are open to whole underworld, rather than just a
select few. There are two types of mailbox systems that are widely used.
The first type we will talk about is the multiple mailbox systems, or
commonly referred to as message systems. These systems have several
mailboxes set up on one number. Usually, you can access other mailboxes
from that number by pressing '*' or '#'. Sometimes you just enter the
mailbox number and you are connected. These are the safest systems to use
to protect information from US Sprint and other long distance companies.
Since US Sprint and other companies call the destination numbers, it is
safer to have 800 mailbox systems, and most of the time, the multiple
mailbox systems are on 800 numbers. The passcode on these systems can
vary in length and can be accessed by several different methods, so it is
impossible to explain exactly how to hack these systems.
The other type is the single mailbox system. These are usually set up
in a reserved prefix in an area code. (Ex: 713-684-6xxx) These systems
are usually controlled by the same type of hardware/software. To access
the area where you enter the passcode, just hit '0' for a second or so.
The passcodes are four (4) digits long. The only way to hack these is
manually. The best thing you could do is to find one that does not have
a recording from a person, but just the digitized voice. If you hack one
that someone already owns, they will report it and it will not last as

Here is a list mailboxes or prefixes to help you get started
Single Multiple Digits
------------ ------------ --------
213-281-8xxx 212-714-2770 3
213-285-8xxx 216-586-5000 4
213-515-2xxx 415-338-7000 Aspen Message System 3
214-733-5xxx 714-474-2033 Western Digital
214-855-6xxx 800-222-0651 Vincent and Elkins 4
214-978-2xxx 800-233-8488 3
215-949-2xxx 800-447-8477 Fairylink 7
312-450-8xxx 800-521-5344 3
313-768-1xxx 800-524-2133 RCA 4
405-557-8xxx 800-527-0027 TTE TeleMessager 6
602-230-4xxx 800-632-7777 Asynk 6
619-492-8xxx 800-645-7778 SoftCell Computers 4
713-684-6xxx 800-648-9675 Zoykon 4
800-847-0003 Communications World 3

Downloaded From P-80 Systems 304-744-2253

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