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Create your own Secure Tor Site

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 10:10 pm
by Noctoman
How to make a secure Tor Site.
Hello again, in this pseudo-tutorial I will teach you how to create a Hidden Service that is relatively more secure than the tutorials
you find on the internet.
Beforehand, you must aquire:
- a pre-paid SIM card with INTERNET
- an old laptop with UBUNTU SERVER or any kind of distro. But for Tor, I recommend WHONIX. Hell, you can even host a tor site on Tails. But I doubt it would be practical.
- a burner wifi adapter.
This tutorial assumes you already have some basic knowledge regarding networking and hosting. If not, PM me and I will gladly help you.
I will first explain why you need the 'materials' in the list I just mentioned.

What is exactly a MOBILE MODEM? A mobile modem is like a wi-fi router, but instead of having it's fiber cable or whatever it has to
connect itself to the internet, it has a small slot for inserting a SIM card and is usually batery powered. Basically, you insert the
SIM - you get wireless internet. Simple.
Why not just use your own connection, you know..the one you just connect all of your devices in your home ?
Because that's a stupid move and will deanonymize yourself.

Why use a burner wifi-adapter ?
Because these types of wifi adapters have their own MAC adresses.
After these, all you need to do is install NGNIX, configure your server(create a localhost on port 8080 or whatever port you want),
create a folder for your website - USE ONLY STATIC HTML OR CSS, NEVER JS AND AVOID PHP - with an index file, edit the torrc file
and you're good to go.

Re: Create your own Secure Tor Site

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:08 pm
by Das Troll
Reminds me of a pirate box or a library box.

I once read an article about a guy who ran a TOR node and he got busted for child porn. Not his child porn, but people who used his node had passed child porn through it. Doing a TOR node from home would be a drastically stupid idea.

Re: Create your own Secure Tor Site

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:18 am
by Enigma
You know, I never thought about this. I know a few places with good 4G or even wifi connections that could act as mirrors of sorts.

Re: Create your own Secure Tor Site

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:35 am
by Noctoman
Interesting thing about those pirate boxes ! I'd like to try them out :)

Re: Create your own Secure Tor Site

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:36 pm
by Noctoman
Helladamnleet wrote:
Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:18 am
You know, I never thought about this. I know a few places with good 4G or even wifi connections that could act as mirrors of sorts.
While one may think 'open wifis' or public wifis are safe, they are not. Any script kiddie who knows any exploit about Tor exit nodes and has basic knowledge of WIRESHARK can pwn your server.