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Stealing car batteries

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:29 pm
by Enigma
Car batteries are something everyone needs at some point, and they aren't really vehicle specific by any means.

Good places to hit:
-Low budget public works shops. They usually have a fleet of common GM or Ford vehicles, and car batteries are light enough that depending on the area you might be able to get, like, 6 into a wagon so even if there's cameras there's no vehicle description.

-Crooked used car lots. Don't hit the nicer cars, go straight to the cheap part of the lot. 9 times out of 10 there's no cameras, and a lot of dealers will leave them unlocked so they don't have to waste time showing them to people. Just because it's a 88 Buick doesn't mean it won't have a 2018 battery in it

-Recycling centers. If you're willing to do a little B&E and can be quick there could be dozens of batteries at a vehicle recycling center.

Now I know you're wondering "Why would I want car batteries?" Well, a used battery is worth $25-35 a piece. I've seen them go as high as $100 if it's really expensive new. They don't take up a lot of space, they aren't heavy, and every car takes a battery. You could steal 6 of them in one night, and sell them later on for a cool $300 if you're a good salesman. During the winter months you can charge $75 for a good battery.

Re: Stealing car batteries

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 6:55 pm
by infinityshock
your numbers are flawed.

the only value of 'dead' batteries from recycling centers is the lead they contain...which is about 25-cents a pound (of lead...not the liquid/other shit in the battery)

it's easier to shoplift them from walmart.
- walk in with used/old/dead battery and get geriatric door greeter to sticker-ize it by telling them its under warranty and you want to get it free-tested
- go to the battery aisle, swap batteries and sticker.
- either leave...or get the battery tested.

Re: Stealing car batteries

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:30 pm
by Enigma
No no, vehicle recycling centers. Places you bring cars to scrap usually also sell used batteries.