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Wisconsin DMV

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:06 am
by AngryIVer
These stupid fucks swore up and down I couldn't reinstate online because I have a OWI from 2010, even though I've already paid that ticket, been to treatment, been to the victim impact panel, have had a valid license, et cetera. Told me I HAD to mail in the reinstatement payment. Well, they finally accepted my SR-22 last night, after I already mailed in the money order to reinstate, and wouldn't you know, I could have fucking done it online like the god damned letter I received told me I'd be able to. It's mind blowing that people could be so sure about something they clearly didn't know.

In any case, now I'm stuck waiting like a week for the payment to get there so I appear valid, but in the mean time I'm more legal that I've been in almost two years :fro:

Re: Wisconsin DMV

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:45 pm
by Kheron
I swear Government systems are designed to be inefficient, incompetent, wasteful, hard to use, and just all around fucking frustrating. I don't get it. The flaws are all super obvious shit too.

Re: Wisconsin DMV

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:15 pm
by AngryIVer
It's like they have this image they need to protect at this point, even if it's a comically shitty one.

Re: Wisconsin DMV

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:43 pm
by Kheron
Right? They need us to believe that they're doing the hard, shitty work, and that only by having all this wasteful government inefficiency that we can get things done, when shit could be simplified and scaled down and save time and money for everyone involved.

"BuT wHaT aBoUt ThE jObS?!"

Well, my little retard, jobs are going away as automation becomes more and more of a reality anyway. A UBI is the only sane way to take things into the future when 90% of everything is automated unless we just wanna kill off everyone that isn't a business owner. Creative arts could thrive when the whole "starving artist" is more of a "barely getting by artist" until they sell some of their work and become a thriving artist.

But idk there's probably flaws with UBI as there is with just about anything, and that's probably a topic for another time/thread?

Re: Wisconsin DMV

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:28 am
by AngryIVer
Dude, honestly, like 6 people work at the DMV so fuck those jobs.

But this all reminds me of this:

Basically it talks about how load/wait times are made up to make people feel like work is being done, when in reality computers are so fast now that everything could be done instantly with very little exception.

Some firm did a study on it and found out that people prefer a product with a wait over products that just instantly tell you what you wanted to know.

TL/DR: People are fucking retarded.

Re: Wisconsin DMV

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 5:31 am
by AngryIVer
Oh, and yeah, we can discuss UBI either here or in a thread of it's own. Seems like a hot topic lately.

This is why I need New Totse btw. I wouldn't have heard about the UBI thing until much later.