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National, state, regional, and local politics. Who's doing what to whom, and what you can do about it. How-to-get-action messages are encouraged. "How the government fucked up my life" stories are encouraged. Sharing new methods for cheating on taxes is encouraged. Sample "letters to congresscritters" are encouraged. Apathy and "I can't do anything" posts are discouraged. Left, right, centrist, or any other form of political-economic systems are all up for discussion. Be prepared to defend yourself, or at least have a good line of bullshit ready. Extensive quoting of economists and philosophers is frowned upon. We want to hear what YOU have to say, not what some constipated, impotent, dead guy dreamt up while suffering from the DT's over a hundred years ago thought.
2009-01-17 11:31 Go to last post
7,286 178,326
For discussing any and all religious viewpoints. Intolerance will not be tolerated. Keeping your sense of humor is required. Posting messages about theological paradoxes is encouraged.
2009-01-16 20:28 Go to last post
6,319 127,601
This is the forum dedicated to weapons, martial arts, and their related technical, political and social issues. Weapons and Combat is for the safe and responsible use of firearms, knives, fists and other weapons.
2009-01-17 10:07 Go to last post
6,265 107,724
Philosophy, Cultural practices, Social norms, Historical Debate, War, and Sociology.
2009-01-17 08:38 Go to last post
5,398 98,338
This forum is about the unexplained, whether it's political hidden agendas, secret societies, clandestine operations, alien life, political assasinations, CIA trickery, Masonic sub-plots, and other bits of Truth.
2009-01-17 06:10 Go to last post
5,474 84,033
Travel tips, places to go, things to do.
2009-01-17 04:57 Go to last post
4,833 61,053
Languages and their use. What languages do you speak and why? What do words really mean? Can you say things in one language that you can't say in another? Should there be a national language? How many languages should a person know and what are they?
2009-01-16 18:19 Go to last post
2,030 19,581
BSK , Zay  
Current events discussion and links to stuff that's happening right now. Who needs CNN when you have totse?
2009-01-16 16:54 Go to last post
1,622 15,010
Education and schooling, from junior high to Ivy League. Discuss teachers and profs, classes and grades, admissions and financing, campus life and the student body, graduation and dropping out, how to write neat or to efficiently cheat. As your body grows bigger, your mind grows flowered; it's great to learn, 'cause knowledge is power!
2009-01-16 07:33 Go to last post
613 7,243
Car accidents, personal injury, defamation, libel, malpractice, fraud, bankruptcy, debt, lawyers, corporate law, criminal law, jail, police conduct, prison, employment laws, workers compensation, real estate law, divorce and family court, taxes, education, immigration, military law, insurance, trademarks and copyrights, traffic and driving laws, class action law suits, and more. All of these are welcome topics in this forum.This forum is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice. Always seek the advice of professional with any questions you may have regarding a legal situation. Never disregard professional legal advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on any web site, including this one. Fair warning: If you're stupid enough to post a confession it could be held against you in a court of law.
2009-01-16 16:09 Go to last post
289 2,357
The military - a society within society. Command, personnel, intelligence, finance, capability and development, science, logistics, operations, assessment, technology, ideology and ethics, stereotypes, and antimilitarism are all a part. Learn about the real military and not just what the recruiters want you to know; from conventional to guerilla for any, every, and even no country.
2009-01-16 13:29 Go to last post
159 2,363

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