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Version 2.0: July 28, 1991

Document Reference: "NOSCMD20.DOC"

By Richard Jenkins N2AYY
6 West Road
S. Glens Falls, NY 12803 USA


Based upon "NRWCMD16"
by Ian Wade, G3NRW
7 Daubeney Close

Copyright (C) 1991 Richard Jenkins N2AYY

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and
retrieval system for commercial purposes or resale or barter without
written permission from the authors.

This document may be reproduced in whole or in part for any non-
commercial amateur radio purpose as long as credit is given to the

The accuracy of the commands list, syntax and default values contained
herein cannot be guaranteed. Use this document at your own risk!


This document is intended as a quick reference to the TCP/IP command
set, and does not in any way describe how individual commands work.
Familiarity with the basic functions of the "NOS" packages is assumed.

This document contains details of all of the commands to be found in
the following TCP/IP Network Operating System ("NOS") packages:

KA9Q/KA9Q: NET_0614.EXE version 910614
KA9Q/PA0GRI: NOS_0618.EXE version 910625 rev 1.7a
KA9Q/G1EMM: K113016A.EXE version 901130 rev 1.6a
KA9Q/POPNET: POPNET.EXE version 910605

Page 1


Because the "NOS" packages contain software modules originating from
several different sources, the documentation which describes them
inevitably contains a number of inconsistencies. For example, the
words "label" and "interface" apparently describe different objects,
whereas in actuality they are the same thing. On the other hand, the
meaning of the word "address" used in many commands differs from
command to command.

In this document an attempt has been made to rationalize the meaning
of these parameters, to produce a consistent command set within and
across the various NOS packages.

The principal parameters which have caused confusion in the past are
to do with names, addresses and interfaces. These are now defined
as follows:

<callsign> an AX.25 MYCALL callsign (e.g. "G3NRW-1")
<hostname> a computer name (e.g. "g3nrw" or "g3nrw.ampr.org")
<ipaddress> an Internet address (e.g. "")
<host> <hostname> or <ipaddress>
<username> a user at a computer (e.g. "ian")
<interface> a device interface name (eg. "pk0" or "ax0")
<address> a device I/O address (e.g. "0x3f8")
<vector> an IRQ level (e.g. "4")

(Note that the word "hostid" is not used in this document, to avoid
confusion with the Unix command of the same name).


nos [-t] (trace startup)
[-b] (bios console output)
[-d <root_directory>]
[-s <socket_array_size>]
[-m <heap_memory_in_Kb>]


1 Read File }
2 Create New File } "ftp" and "telnet"
4 Write/Delete File }

8 AX.25 Gateway Access }
16 Telnet Gateway Access }
32 NET/ROM Access } "telnet" only
64 Remote Control }
128 DENY Access }

Page 2


0 reserved 23 TELNET 79 FINGER
1-4 unassigned 25 SMTP 87 TTYLINK
20 FTP-data 75 private dialout
21 FTP 77 private rje


The rest of this document specifies the complete "NOS" command set for
the packages, as follows:

The extreme left-hand columns of each line identify the version.

k | signifies a command in the KA9Q/KA9Q version of "NOS"
p | signifies a command in the KA9Q/PA0GRI version of "NOS"
g | signifies a command in the KA9Q/G1EMM version of "NOS"
o | signifies a command in the KA9Q/POPNET version of "NOS"

The NET> commands occupy the center portion of the listing. Additional
commands not implemented in the listed versions have been included for
reference purposes.

The extreme right-hand columns show the default parameter values.

Ver | Command | Default
| |
kpgo | [cr] (while in cmd mode, returns to you to conv |
| mode, in the current session) |
| |
kpgo | F10 (to escape to "net" command level) |
| |
kpgo | ? (help) |
| |
kpgo | ! (break out to shell) |
| |
kpgo | abort [<session #>] (FTP) |
| |
kpgo | arp |
| |
kpgo | arp add <host> ether|ax25|netrom|arcnet |
| <ether_addr>|callsign> |

Page 3

| |
kpgo | arp drop <host> ether|ax25|netrom|arcnet |
| |
kpgo | arp flush |
| |
kpgo | arp publish <host> ether|ax25|netrom|arcnet |
| <ether_addr|callsign> |
| |
kpgo | asystat |
| |
| attach 3c500 <ioaddress> <vector> arpa <interface> |
| <buffers> <mtu> [ipaddress] |
| |
kpgo | attach asy <ioaddress> <vector> slip|ax25|nrs|ppp |
| <interface> <buffers> <mtu> <speed> |
| [options] |
| |
p | attach axip <interface> <mtu> <remote_host> [<callsign>] |
| |
k o | attach drsi <ioaddress> <vector> ax25 <interface> |
| <buffers> <mtu> <chan_a_speed> <chan_b_speed>|
| [<ipaddress_a>] [<ipaddress_b>] |
| |
| attach eagle <ioaddress> <vector> ax25 <interface> |
| <buffers> <mtu> <speed> |
| [<ipaddress_a>] [<ipaddress_b>] |
| |
| attach hapn <ioaddress> <vector> ax25 <interface> |
| <rx_bufsize> <mtu> csma|full |
| [<ipaddress>] |
| |
| attach hs <ioaddress> <vector> ax25 <interface> |
| <buffers> <mtu> <txdelay> <persistence> |
| [ipaddress_a] [ipaddress_b] |
| |
pg | attach kiss <asy_interface_label> <port> <interface> |
| <mtu> |
| |
kpgo | attach netrom |
| |
kp o | attach packet <vector> <interface> <buffers> <mtu> |
| [ipaddress] |
| |
| attach pc100 <ioaddress> <vector> ax25 <interface> |
| <buffers> <mtu> <speed> |
| [<ipaddress_a>] [<ipaddress_b>] |
| |
k o | attach pi <ioaddress> <vector> <dmachannel> ax25 |
| <interface> <buffers> <mtu> <speed> |
| [<ipaddress_a>] [<ipaddress_b>] |
| |
p | attach scc <devices> init <address> <spacing> <Aoff> |
| <Boff> <Dataoff> <intack> <vector> |
| [p]<clock> [hdwe] [<param>] |
| |
p | attach scc <chan> slip|kiss|nrs|ax25 <interface> <mtu> |
| <speed> <bufsize> [callsign] |
| |
pg | attended [off|on] | on
| |

Page 4

pg | ax25 bc <interface> |
pg | ax25 bcinterval [<seconds>] | 0/0
pg | ax25 bctext [<textstring>] | (null)
kpgo | ax25 blimit [<val>] | 30
k o | ax25 destlist |
kpgo | ax25 digipeat [on|off] | on
kpgo | ax25 flush |
kpgo | ax25 heard |
kpgo | ax25 irtt [<millisecs>] | 5000
kpgo | ax25 kick <&AXB> |
kpgo | ax25 maxframe [<window_size>] | 1
kpgo | ax25 mycall [<callsign>] |
kpgo | ax25 paclen [<bytes>] | 256
kpgo | ax25 pthresh [<bytes>] | 128
kpgo | ax25 reset <&AXB> |
kpgo | ax25 retry [<n>] | 10
kpgo | ax25 route |
kpgo | ax25 route add <target_callsign> [<digi_callsign> ...] |
kpgo | ax25 route drop <target_callsign> |
pg | ax25 route mode <target_callsign> [vc|datagram|interface]|
kpgo | ax25 status [<&AXB>] |
kpgo | ax25 t3 [<millisecs>] | 0
pg | ax25 t4 [<seconds>] | 300
pg | ax25 timertype [original|linear|exponential] | exp
kpgo | ax25 version [1|2] | 2
kpgo | ax25 window [<bytes>] | 2048
| |
pg | bbs [<host>] |
| |
| (Help) ? (command list) |
| Area A |
| Bye B |
| Chat C |
| Download D <filename> |
| Escape E [<esc_char>] | ^X
| Finger F [<username>] |
| Gateway G <interface> <callsign> |
| [<callsign> ...] |
| Help H (full helpfile) |
| H <x> (Help for Command x) |
| Information I |
| Heard J |
| Kill K <n> ... |
| List L [<n> ...] |
| Netrom N |
| Read R [<n> ...] |
| Send S <username> [@ <host>] |
| [< <from_addr>] [$<bulletin_id>] |
| Telnet T [<host>] |
| Upload U <filename> |
| Verbose V |
| What W [<directory>] |
| Zap Z <filename> |
| |
| buffers [<number> <size>] | 5/2048
| |
kpgo | cd [<directory>] |
| |
kpgo | close [<session #>] |
| |

Page 5

pg | comm <interface> <textstring> |
| |
kpgo | connect <interface> <callsign> [<digi_callsign> ...] |
| |
kpgo | delete <filename> |
| |
kpgo | detach <interface> |
| |
kp o | dialer <interface> [<file> [<seconds> [<pings> |
| [<host>]]]] |
| |
kpgo | dir [<directory>|<file>] |
| |
pgo | disconnect [<session #>] |
| |
kpgo | domain addserver <host> [<host> ...] |
| domain bootp <domainserver> [filename] |
kpgo | domain cache clean [on|off] | off
kpgo | domain cache list |
kpgo | domain cache size [<n>] | 20
kpgo | domain cache wait [<seconds>] | 300
| domain debug [off|on] | off
kpgo | domain dropserver <host> [<host> ...] |
kpgo | domain list |
p | domain load [<filename>] |
| domain loopback [off|on] | off
pg | domain maxwait [<seconds>] | 60
| domain nslookup <domainserver> <record type> <name> |
k o | domain query <host> |
kpgo | domain retry [<n>] | 2
| domain save <filename> |
kpgo | domain suffix [<domain_suffix>] |
| domain timertype [linear|exponential] | exp
p | domain timeout [<seconds>] | 30
kpgo | domain trace [off|on] | off
pg | domain translate [yes|no] |
pg | domain verbose [yes|no] |
| |
k o | drsistat |
| |
g | dump <hex_memoryaddress|.> [decimal_range] |
| |
| eaglestat |
| |
kpgo | echo [accept|refuse] | accept
| |
kpgo | eol [standard|null] | stand
| |
pg | escape <hex_character> | 0x1d
| |
| etherstat |
| |
kpgo | exit |
| |
kpgo | finger <username>@<host> (No spaces between parameters) |
| |
p | fkey |
p | fkey <key_number> [<value> | "string" ] |
| (Terminate string with ^M for CR) |
| |

Page 6

| f1 59 sf1 84 cf1 94 af1 104 pgup 73 |
| f2 60 sf2 85 cf2 95 af2 105 pgdn 81 |
| f3 61 sf3 86 cf3 96 af3 106 home 71 |
| f4 62 sf4 87 cf4 97 af4 107 end 79 |
| f5 63 sf5 88 cf5 98 af5 108 arup 72 |
| f6 64 sf6 89 cf6 99 af6 109 ardn 80 |
| f7 65 sf7 90 cf7 100 af7 110 ar l 75 |
| f8 66 sf8 91 cf8 101 af8 111 ar r 77 |
| f9 67 sf9 92 cf9 102 af9 112 ins 82 |
| f10 68 sf10 93 cf10 103 af10 113 del 83 |
| |
| |
kpgo | ftp <host> |
| |
| ascii |
| batch [off|on] |
| binary |
| cd [<dir>] |
| dele <remote_file> |
| dir [<filename>|<dir> [<local_filename>] ] |
| get <remote_file> [<local_file>] |
| h |
| list [<filename>|<dir> [<local_filename>] ] |
| ls [<filename>|<dir> [<local_filename>] ] |
| mget <remote_file> [<remote_file> ...] |
| mkdir <remote_dir> |
| mput <local_file> [<local_file> ...] |
| nlst [<filename>|<dir> [<local_filename>] ] |
| pass <password> |
| put <local_file> [<remote_file>] |
| pwd [<dir>] |
| quit |
| rmdir <remote_dir> |
| type [a | i | l <bytesize> ] | a
| user <username> |
| |
| |
| |
pg | ftype | ascii
| |
| hapnstat |
| |
kpgo | help |
| |
kp o | hop check <host> |
kp o | hop maxttl [<attempts>] | 30
kp o | hop maxwait [<seconds>] | 5
kp o | hop queries [<n>] | 3
kp o | hop trace [off|on] | off
| |
g | hopcheck check <host> |
g | hopcheck maxttl [<attempts>] | 30
g | hopcheck maxwait [<seconds>] | 5
g | hopcheck queries [<n>] | 3
g | hopcheck trace [off|on] | off
| |
kpgo | hostname [<hostname>] |
| |
| hs |
| |

Page 7

kpgo | icmp echo [off|on] | on
kpgo | icmp status |
kpgo | icmp trace [off|on] | off
| |
kpgo | ifconfig |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> broadcast <bcast_ipaddress> |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> encapsulation none|ax25|slip |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> forward |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> ipaddress <ipaddress> |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> linkaddress <callsign> |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> mtu <bytes> |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> netmask 0x<hexmask> |
kpgo | ifconfig <interface> rxbuf |
| |
p | info |
| |
kpgo | ip address [<ipaddress>|<host>] |
kpgo | ip rtimer [<seconds>] | 30
kpgo | ip status |
kpgo | ip ttl [<hops>] | 255
| |
kpgo | isat [yes|no] |
| |
kpgo | kick [<session #>] |
| |
kpgo | log [<log_filename> | stop] |
| |
pg | mail |
| |
kpgo | mbox |
kpgo | mbox attend [on|off] |
kpgo | mbox kick |
kpgo | mbox maxmsg [<n>] | 200
kpgo | mbox motd ["<string>"] |
kpgo | mbox status |
kpgo | mbox timer [<seconds>] | 0/0
kpgo | mbox tiptimeout [<seconds>] | 180
| |
g | mem efficient |
g | mem freelist |
g | mem garbage |
g | mem ibufsize [<bytes>] |
g | mem nibufs [<n>] |
g | mem sizes |
g | mem status |
g | mem thresh [<bytes>] | 8192
| |
p | memory circular |
p | memory efficient |
p | memory free |
kp o | memory freelist |
kp o | memory garbage |
kp o | memory ibufsize [<bytes>] |
kp o | memory nibufs [<n>] |
kp o | memory sizes |
kp o | memory status |
kp o | memory thresh [<bytes>] | 8192
| |
kpgo | mkdir <directory> |

Page 8

| |
kpgo | mode <interface> [vc|datagram] |
| |
kpgo | more <filename> [<filename> ...] ( q = quit) |
| ( space = next page) |
| ( CR = next line ) |
| |
pg | motd <string> |
| |
pg | multitask [on|off] | on
| |
kpgo | netrom acktime [<millisecs>] | 3000
kpgo | netrom bcnodes <interface> |
kpgo | netrom connect <node_callsign>|<node_alias> |
kpgo | netrom choketime [<millisecs>] | 180000
pg | netrom derate [off|on] | on
kpgo | netrom interface <interface> <alias> <quality> |
kpgo | netrom irtt [<millisecs>] | 15000
kpgo | netrom kick <&CB> |
p | netrom load |
pg | netrom minquality [<n>] | 10
kpgo | netrom nodefilter add <neighbor_callsign> <interface> |
kpgo | netrom nodefilter drop <neighbor_callsign> <interface> |
kpgo | netrom nodefilter mode [none|accept|reject] |
kpgo | netrom nodetimer [<seconds>] |
kpgo | netrom obsotimer [<seconds>] |
pg | netrom promiscuous [off | on] | off
kpgo | netrom qlimit [<bytes>] | 2048
kpgo | netrom reset <&CB> |
kpgo | netrom retries [<n>] | 10
| |
kpgo | netrom route add <alias> <destination> <interface> |
| <quality> <neighbor> |
| |
kpgo | netrom route drop <destination> <neighbor> |
| <interface> |
| |
kpgo | netrom route info <destination> |
p | netrom save |
kpgo | netrom status |
pg | netrom timertype [linear | exponential] | exp
kpgo | netrom ttl [<hops>] | 10
kpgo | netrom user [<username>] |
kpgo | netrom verbose [off | on] | off
kpgo | netrom window [<frames>] | 4
| |
kp o | nntp addserver <nntpserver> <interval> |
kp o | nntp directory [spool | control <directory>] |
kp o | nntp dropserver <nntpserver> |
kp o | nntp groups [<newsgroup_name> ... ] |
kp o | nntp kick <nntpserver> |
kp o | nntp listservers |
kp o | nntp trace [<trace #>] ( 0 = no trace ) | 1
| ( 1 = serious errors ) |
| ( 2 = transient errors ) |
| ( 3 = session progress ) |
| ( 4 = received articles )|
| ( 5 = errors ) |
| |
kpgo | nrstat |

Page 9

| |
kpgo | param <KISS_interface> 0 <data frame> |
kpgo | param <KISS_interface> 1 <TX_delay> ( 10 msec ) |
kpgo | param <KISS_interface> 2 <persistance> ( 0 - 255 ) |
kpgo | param <KISS_interface> 3 <slot_time> ( 10 msec ) |
kpgo | param <KISS_interface> 4 <TX_tail> ( 10 msec ) |
kpgo | param <KISS_interface> 5 <n> (n=0: half duplex) |
| (n>0: full duplex) |
kpgo | param <KISS_interface> 255 ( exit KISS mode ) |
| |
kpgo | ping <host> [<len> [<interval> [<incflag>]]] |
| |
k o | pistatus |
| |
p o | pop mailbox <mbox> |
p o | pop mailhost [<host>] |
p o | pop kick |
p o | pop quiet [off|on] | off
p o | pop timer [<seconds>] |
p o | pop userdata [<username> <password>] |
| |
k o | ppp <interface> |
| |
kpgo | ps |
| |
kpgo | pwd [<directory>] |
| |
p | rarp |
p | rarp query <interface> <ether_addr|callsign> |
| [<ether_addr|callsign>] |
| |
kpgo | record [<filename> | off] | off
| |
kpgo | remote [-p port] [-k key] [-a kickaddr] <host> |
| exit|reset|kick |
| |
kpgo | remote -s <key> |
| |
kpgo | rename <old_filename> <new_filename> |
| |
kpgo | reset [<session #>] |
| |
kpgo | rip accept <incoming_gateway_host> |
kpgo | rip add <destination_host> <secs> [<flags>] |
| ( 1 = include route to self ) |
| ( 2 = split horizon ) |
| ( 4 = triggered update ) |
kpgo | rip drop <destination_host> |
kpgo | rip merge [off|on] | off
kpgo | rip refuse <incoming_gateway_host> |
kpgo | rip request <incoming_gateway_host> |
kpgo | rip status |
kpgo | rip trace [0|1|2] ( 0 = no trace ) | 0
| ( 1 = changes only ) |
| ( 2 = full trace ) |
| |
pg | rlogin <host> |
| |
kpgo | rmdir <directory> |
| |

Page 10

kpgo | route add <dest_host>[/<bits>] <interface> |
| [gateway_host] [<metric>] |
| |
kpgo | route addprivate <dest_host>[/<bits>] <interface> |
| [gateway_host] [<metric>] |
| |
kpgo | route drop <dest_host> [/<bits>] |
kpgo | route flush |
kpgo | route lookup <dest_host> |
| |
pg | rspf interface [<name> <quality> <horizon>] |
| (needs ifconfig <interface> broadcast |
pg | rspf maxping [<n>] | 5
pg | rspf message [<"message_string">] |
pg | rspf mode [vc|datagram|none] |
pg | rspf rrhtimer [<seconds>] |
pg | rspf routes |
pg | rspf status |
pg | rspf suspecttimer [<seconds>] |
pg | rspf timer [<seconds>] |
| |
p | sccstat |
| |
kpgo | session [<session #>] |
| |
kpgo | shell |
| |
kpgo | smtp batch [off|on] | off
kpgo | smtp gateway [<host>] |
kpgo | smtp kick |
kpgo | smtp kill <jobnumber> |
kpgo | smtp list |
kpgo | smtp maxclients [<n>] | 10
kpgo | smtp mode [queue|route] |
pg | smtp quiet |
kpgo | smtp timer [<seconds>] |
kpgo | smtp trace [<n>] ( 0 = off, 1 = on ) |
pg | smtp usemx [off|on] | off
| |
kpgo | socket [<socket #>] |
| |
pg | source <script_filename> |
| |
| split |
| |
k | start ax25|discard|echo|finger|ftp|netrom|remote| |
| rip|smtp|telnet|ttylink |
| |
p o | start ax25|discard|echo|finger|ftp|netrom|pop|remote| |
| rip|smtp|telnet|ttylink |
| |
g | start ax25|discard|echo|finger|ftp|netrom|remote| |
| smtp|telnet|ttylink |
| |
kpgo | start tip <interface> |
| |
pg | status |
| |
k | stop ax25|discard|echo|finger|ftp|netrom|remote| |
| rip|smtp|telnet|ttylink |

Page 11

| |
p o | stop ax25|discard|echo|finger|ftp|netrom|pop|remote| |
| rip|smtp|telnet|ttylink |
| |
g | stop ax25|discard|echo|finger|ftp|netrom|remote| |
| smtp|telnet|ttylink |
| |
kpgo | stop tip <interface> |
| |
g | tail <filename> |
| |
kpgo | tcp irtt [<millisecs>] | 5000
kpgo | tcp kick <&TCB> |
kpgo | tcp mss [<bytes>] | 512
kpgo | tcp reset <&TCB> |
kpgo | tcp rtt <&TCB> <millisecs> |
kpgo | tcp status [<&TCB>] |
kpgo | tcp syndata |
pg | tcp timertype [linear|exponential] | exp
kpgo | tcp trace [off|on] | off
kpgo | tcp window [<bytes>] | 2048
| |
kpgo | telnet <host> [well_known_port_number] |
| |
kp o | test |
| |
pg | third-party [off|on] | on
| |
kpgo | tip <interface> |
| |
p | ttylink <host> [well_known_port_number] |
| |
kpgo | trace <interface> [<BTIO_flags> [<trace_filename>]] |
| |
| |
| B=0 Broadcast filter off (trace all packets) |
| B=1 Broadcast filter on (ignore broadcasts) |
| |
| T=0 Display protocol headers only |
| T=1 Display headers + ASCII text |
| T=2 Display headers + ASCII text + hex |
| |
| I=0 Ignore input packets |
| I=1 Trace input packets |
| |
| O=0 Ignore output packets |
| O=1 Trace output packets |
| |
| |
kpgo | udp status |
| |
kpgo | upload <filename> |
| |
kpgo | watch |
| |
pg | watchdog [on|off] |
| |

Page 12
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