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NOTICE: TO ALL CONCERNED Certain text files and messages contained on this site deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of this site do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement officials before undertaking any project based upon any information obtained from this or any other web site. We do not guarantee that any of the information contained on this system is correct, workable, or factual. We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

11-72.010 36-72.510 61-75.410 86-75.910
72.020 72.520 75.420 75.920
12-72.030 37-72.530 62-75.430 87-75.930
72.040 72.540 75.440 75.940
13-72.050 38-72.550 63-75.450 88-75.950
72.060 72.560 75.460 75.960
14-72.070 39-72.570 64-75.470 89-75.970
72.080* 72.580 75.480 75.980
15-72.090 40-72.590 65-75.490 90-75.990
72.100 72.600 75.500 76.000
16-72.110 41-72.610 66-75.510
72.120 72.620 75.520 26.995
17-72.130 42-72.630 67-75.530 27.045
72.140 72.640 75.540 27.095
18-72.150 43-72.650 68-75.550 27.145
72.160* 72.660<--S 75.560 27.195
19-72.170 44-72.670 69-75.570 27.255
72.180 72.680 75.580
20-72.190 45-72.690 70-75.590 00-50.80
72.200<--C 72.700 75.600 01-50.82
21-72.210 46-72.710 71-75.610 02-50.84
72.220<--S 72.720 75.620 03-50.86
22-72.230 47-72.730 72-75.630 04-50.88
72.240* 72.740 75.640* 05-50.90
23-72.250 48-72.750 73-75.650 06-50.92
72.260 72.760 75.660 07-50.94
24-72.270 49-72.770 74-75.670 08-50.96
72.280 72.780 75.680 09-50.98
25-72.290 50-72.790 75-75.690
72.300 72.800<--C 75.700 53.10
26-72.310 51-72.810 76-75.710 53.20
72.320* 72.820 75.720 53.30
27-72.330 52-72.830 77-75.730 53.40
72.340 72.840 75.740 53.50
28-72.350 53-72.850 78-75.750 53.60
72.360 72.860 75.760 53.70
29-72.370 54-72.870 79-75.770 53.80
72.380 72.880 75.780
30-72.390 55-72.890 80-75.790 49.830
72.400* 72.900 75.800 49.845
31-72.410 56-72.910 81-75.810 49.860
72.420 72.920 75.820 49.875
32-72.430 57-72.930 82-75.830 49.890
72.440 72.940 75.840
33-72.450 58-72.950 83-75.850
72.460 72.960* 75.860
34-72.470 59-72.970 84-75.870
72.480 72.980 75.880
35-72.490 60-72.990 85-75.890
72.500 73.000 75.900

Notes: 1-- * is original 72/75 R/C frequencies.
2--Frequencies in 50 & 53 MHZ require Ham license.
3--Frequencies shown in 49 MHZ are downlink only, such
as thermal sniffers or other low power devices.
4--Frequencies shown between channels are industrial or
pager frequencies (including old R/C frequencies).
5--Pagers, C = constant carrier, S = "Sleeper", on only
when in use, located local to Champaign County, Illinois.
6--Frequencies shown in 72 Mhz band are aircraft only. Those
in the 75 Mhz band are ground based vehicle only.
7--The channel number is shown to the left of the "-". Only
the even numbered channels are recommended by the AMA at
this time, the odd numbered channels will be phased in
starting in 1991.

Downloaded From P-80 Systems 304-744-2253
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If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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