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Our Physics Connection

Our Physics Connection

The Little Scroll Books.
Our Physics Connection.


The Simplistic;
Grand Unified Theory/Theory of Everything.
The Prime Foundations and Arguments for
our New Type of Theorisation.


"Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, so
compelling that when-- in a decade, a century or a millennium-- we
grasp it, we will all say to each other, how could it be otherwise?
How could we have been so stupid for so long?"

John Archibald Wheeler.

---------- 0 ----------

"Any Grand Unified Theory, or a Theory of Everything Paradigm,
which does not include the Observer, Man, and which can not be
understood by everyone, is a meaningless and a worthless

Apollo the Aquarian.


A Brief Overview Description of the Theorisation.

The theorisations in this writing engagement is a description of the
twentieth century New Physics, integrated into a turn of the last
century form of mathematics. A form of pictorial mathematics, or
symbolic logic. A modified form of the type known as the; Venn
Diagram Mathematical Sets evolved from Boolean Algebra through
the work of the British mathematician and logician, John Venn
(1834-1923). This has been given the provisional label QREST
FIELDS (Quantum Relativistic Superstrings Tvistor Fields), and
out of this have been created all kinds of models pertaining to
physics and neurology; Something which may be described as a
GUT/TOE PARADIGM, or a Grand Unified Theory/Theory of
Everything Paradigm. This in effect constitutes an new type of a
Unified Field Theory that can account for the functions of the
human brain, including its malfunctions, as well as mystical and
psychic experiences. A new physical theory that goes beyond
computations, contains the observer and bridges quantum and
classical mechanics.

The prime arguments of this theory are a connection between Kurt
G?del's Incompleteness Theorem (1926-1931), to the human brains
functional program, as this is presented according to the findings of
Dr. Roger Sperry's Split Brain Research (1976-1981). The
theorisation are founded in the assumptions and the arguments that
WE humans, can not attain a correct view of the World, the
Universe, or for that matter, at anything, by looking with just one
half of our brains. With just one brain hemisphere. WE, of course,
do not see with our eyes, WE see with the brain. This will of course
become more pronounced the closer WE look at reality, and then in
particular when WE look at the impossibly small constituents of
matter, that are being investigated by the experimental particle
physicists. It is here that WE are looking at the experimental results
through mathematics, thus looking at the particles with only one
half of the brain's reality perception. The conclusion of this is that;
FULLY UTILISED. Since the spatial hemisphere communicates through symbols,
this hemisphere has to be "engaged" through a form of symbolic logic.
Our symbolic mathematics are thus a type of a; spatial hemispheric
overview-mathematics and the method can thus be described as; spatial
hemispheric physics.

What must a "Theory of Everything" be all about?

Plato suggested that Man would never understand the Universe
until the smallest components of matter are known. Our
theorisations suggest further, that without Man's final
understanding of himself; His consciousness and brain, he will not
understand the Universe. A Theory of Everything, describing
material reality, without the inclusion of the observer, not only has
to be a strange phenomena, but in relation to its title, an incomplete
and absurd one. Our theorisations further suggest that the statistical
nature of the laws of quantum mechanics require the observer to be
a part of the answers. -

"Is the Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?"

Is this the Ultimate Key to the Theory of Everything?
Is the Esthetic Demand of Physics; "Beauty is Truth and Truth is
Beauty," to be found in the most Beautiful Part of Man; His Eyes.

The arguments we believe to qualify our understanding of a final
Theory of Everything, suggest that; Man can not know and
comprehend any one of the following truths independently, without
at the same time knowing the other. Without going into details,
here are the aids to our final analysis of the ultimate theorisation.

1.Man can not achieve an absolute understanding of the creation of
the material universe, without achieving at the same time, the
absolute understanding of the creation of the substance and the
nature of space and subatomic particles of matter, as well as the
interrelationship of these two components of reality (This means
the interrelationship between Quantum Mechanics and General
2.Man can not achieve an absolute understanding of the substance
and nature of space and the subatomic particles of matter (What
gives these their mass? What is particle energy interaction?),
without at the same time knowing the absolute definition of reality
for Quantum Mechanics, Newtonian Mechanics and Human Reality
3.Man can not achieve an absolute definition of reality, without
achieving at the same time, an absolute understanding of the basic
nature and the normal workings of the human brain, or the absolute
definition of Man , the observer, at the same time.
4.Man can not achieve an absolute understanding of the basic
nature and workings of the human brain, the absolute definition of
Man, the observer, without gaining at the same time an absolute
understanding of the basic nature and the abnormal workings of the
human brain. This means the nature of all the psychiatric functional
disorders/malfunctions and addictions that plague the human brain,
as well as the solutions there to.
5.Man can not achieve an absolute understanding of the basic
nature and workings of the human brain without knowing at the
same time what is an absolute description and definition of thought
(consciousness) in the terms of the concepts of "free-will."
6.Man can not achieve an absolute description and definition of
thought (consciousness), without achieving at the same time, the
absolute explanations for the definition of the errors possible in
thinking processes, delusions/lies. What are "lies" and "truths" and
why we have such concepts.
7.Man can not achieve the absolute and final facts regarding the
forgone, without achieving an absolute definition of the entity that
is making these definitions and it's relation to the creation of the
Universe. This thus necessarily includes an absolute and final
clarification of Man himself.
8.Man can not achieve an absolute definition of Man himself,
without achieving at the same time, the absolute definition of the
multitude of concepts of that which Man calls Sole, that which man
calls GOD and that which man calls the Devil. Why Man persists
using these concepts and perpetually argues whether; "God created
Man, or Man created God."

From this overview, the grandiose nature of the subject of a Theory
of Everything becomes obvious and this remains so, if only the half
of what we have listed here is valid. Here the elusive nature of the
word absolute is a factor that has raised objections ever since its
appearance in the vocabulary of Man, it has been, and is,
maintained that the only absolute that exists, is that there is no

The forgone are questions for "truths," which Man has sought in
different forms, for as long as he has written records. Questions
whose answers have been the source of infinite arguments in Man's
search for "truth." However, not many have sought to gain an
understanding about that which we might call an absolute
definition of what "lies" are. Our eventual analyses and questioning
of a final theory is not so much concerned with "truth," as it is with
"lies," and it should succeeds in discovering the final analyses for
the phenomena of "lies," as they relate to the human brain and life.
We are thus indirectly involved in the final discovery of "truth." A
subject that our philosopher have been wrestling with for as long as
they have been with us or ever since Socrates began his
speculations on the question; "Why does Man act against his better
judgement?" In the seemingly endless philosophical speculations of
Man, we find ourselves in the end involuntarily involved with the
questions; "Why are we asking these questions?" as well at the;
Why's? and the How's? regarding the creation of delusions in the
human brain .

The questions regarding the concept of the "soul," and the existence
of that which this concept implies, is seen here as being a part of
the ultimate and final GUT/TOE in physics. Not a petty subject of
scrutiny as it at first might seem. This is further seen through the
the mysterious "self-reflecting properties of the human
consciousness" (E. Wigner), or the conscience of man. This is an
other horrendous puzzle, so in order to keep things simple, we
proceed directly to tell you about the analysis which we make with
suggestions for answers at the level of utter simplicity.

The enigmas around gravitons and gravity, are solved by the
the vacuum quantum potential of space which it treats as two
opposite natured dimensions. These are the 5th and the 6th
dimensions (See; Dual polarity of light and A. Huxley's two
dimensions of creation in his Perennial Philosophy). This is also
why mathematics flunk the dealings with Hilbert Space, which
Penrose deals with in his; "The insolubility of Hilbert's problem"
(Page 75 in TENM). we, independently, came to the same
conclusions a Penrose, via a totally different route. According to
dimensions are a major part of our make-up, but so elusive is their
manifestation and functions that we are not aware of this. They
manifest in the INTRON MOLECULES OF THE DNA and
collectively appear in Penfield's experiment, in the brain's
JAMAIS-VU and D?JA-VU centres as well as the experiments
addicts make on them selves while "dropping acid." These are in
turn responsible for peoples OOBE experience which Arthur
Stanley Eddington practised. The curious thing here is that
according to this, then all eukaryotes possess the equivalent of a
soul, so Einstein may have been a little off on this. However, it
seems that only Man possesses an individual sole. All other
eukaryotes have a collective soul.

Since the method is a spatial hemispheric function, it does not deal
in any quantities or magnitudes but primarily with the NATURE of
phenomena. This means that the main emphasis is on the WHY's,
rather than the HOW's which experimental particle physics and
mathematics has provided us with. This thus avoiding the infinity
problems in QED and QCD, as well as those arising in the dealings
with gravity and in and around theories of the Big Bang. At the
same time this approach compliments mathematics, it is a simplicity
variation from the present mathematical formalism that seems to
have come to stagnation in it's dealings with gravity, and may
possibly presents the only possible method, -- compromise, -- for
incorporating the observer into quantum physics and at the same
time serve to unite quantum physics and general relativity.

The suggestions of these type of theorisation are then for a spatial
hemispheric superstring Theory of Everything in 6 dimensions (in
stead of 10), which indicate clearly where the two extra dimensions
are to be found in physical reality and connects these to the Jamais-
vu, D?j?-vu centres in the human brain; Thus does not require the
outrages of a mathematical compactification process.

In other words, the proponent of this type of theorisation believes
that it may be achieved, by the use of this paradigm, to select the
correct type of Superstring Theory, from the numerous such
theories. The continuation of this type of visual mathematical logic
is a great variety of complexed physics models it can reduce to utter
simplicity, such as; first second of creation models, physics
models, particle decay models, particle interaction models, reality
perception models, brain construction models, consciousness
construction models, evolving out of a method that, to a certain
extend, explains quantum mechanics. Another feature of these
models is that they, - so far, - have the remarkable nature of fitting
to all the experimental results of particle physics and thus pertain
to the Universe WE live in. However, them most attractive feature
of this type of physics is that its presentations are reduced to such
simplicity that they can be presented to the lay man who can easily
get involved in the details of understanding them.

The Arbitrary Assumptions of the Author of the QREST-FIELD
The assumption of the author is that there is only one possible
GUT/TOE PARADIGM, only one final truth for humanity, not
many and no second or third options. The argument being that this
is being dictated by the construction of our brains. This is further
believed to be so, by many of the leading physicists today. It is also
maintained by the author that the GUT/TOE PARADIGM he is
intending to present, is unique and absolute. The nature of the
creation phenomena being such that the initial theorisations are
arbitrary. The author further declares his findings to be the only
conceivable and possible solution for humanities problems. A take
it or leave it sort of a deal. This provides this writing-project with a
tone of a monstrous and preposterous conceit and grandiosity!

The author finds that what makes his GUT/TOE PARADIGM
unique is that it not only unifies theoretically the origin of the four
forces we know in the Universe, but further incorporates the
Anthropic Principle in Theoretical Physics in such a manner as to
explain all known forms of human behaviour in absolute terms and
all observable phenomena as well. The part of the GUT/TOE
PARADIGM that deals with the Anthropic Principle is readily
understandable by most ordinary human beings and will eventually
be the key to its popularity. -- The physicists proposing GUT/TOE
PARADIGMS up until now have been completely unable and
utterly at a loss as to how to include the observer in their equations.
This even in the simplest form.

Some of the worlds leading physicists are suggesting today that it
will have to be the neurologists who comes up with the final
answers in physics (Here Quantum Physics are to blame). This in
turn has produced a paradoxical situation where many of the
neurologists of the world are expecting the physicists to come up
with the final answers in neurology. This is reminiscent of the
famous exclamation of Bohr; "How wonderful that we have met
with paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress." Here
the questions involve the basic laws of the construction of matter or
to be precise, the foundation laws or the basic program involved in
one quanta. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle has so far prevented
experimental physics from discovering this and will do so forever
by the looks of it. Here we are in agreement with professor Stephen
Hawking when he says; "I would like to know exactly what
happened between 10-33 second and 10-43 second. It is there that
the ultimate answers to all questions about the universe--life itself
included--lies." Here we believe that the correct analyses of this
second fraction will give us the answer.

The GUT/TOE PARADIGM insight that is being dealt with in The
Little Scroll books satisfies all demands that can be made on it and
primarily those regarding the quantum wave in the human brain,
thus showing itself to be the basic program for the construction of
the primary seat of consciousness, the neocortex in the human
brain. It thus provides the final answers to the final question in
neurology regarding the basic programming and natural function of
the Jamais vu and D?j? vu (hallucinatory areas) areas, as well as the
spatial temporal lobe (usually the right temporal lobe) in the human
brain. At the same time it provides the final answers to the question
how the brain (through its glands) manufactures its natural
neurone-inhibitors, the endorphins. These are in turn responsible
for the (rare) emotional stability of human beings, as well as their
degree of intelligence and many other mysteries. Here the most
hope inspiring discovery is a final analysis of all the functional
mental disorder in humanity and an eventual possibility for their
prevention and healing.

The neurological connection of the GUT/TOE PARADIGM to
LIFE, through the application of the QREST-FIELD Model for
Quantum Reality (The end of the quantum reality market), to
molecular biology at the DNA level, may be the profoundest part of
the theoretical model. This is the suggested explanations for the
phenomena of the Jumping Genes. The riddle of the roll of the
intron molecules in the DNA strand of the eucaryotes. It is here that
the model focuses in on the riddles regarding LIFE itself. However,
The Little Scroll, Book One does not deal with this on an extensive
level. Only pro-forma. This is the subject of The Little Scroll, Book

A most interesting sideline to all this comes about when our author
discovers that the GUT/TOE PARADIGM Venn Diagram visual
equations provides an ultimate analysis for all questions regarding
metaphysical phenomena and all questions regarding the various
religions in humanity (most logical since it provides answers to
everything and would not be a TOE otherwise). A final and
absolute interpretation of the last book of the Bible, the prophesies
of The Revelation, becomes easy with the aid of the GUT/TOE
PARADIGM and it becomes clear to our author, that The Book of
Revelations primarily deals with the discovery of this final
GUT/TOE PARADIGM itself. Newton is said to have become
secretly nutty in his last years, trying to interpret the prophesies of
The Revelations. These prophesies are to many individuals in the
West, nothing but hallucinations by a madman; St. John. In the
East the same prophesies are found in different presentation and
can also be easily interpreted. The author discovers that the major
part of the metaphysical descriptions (koans) in The Revelation, are
references to, parts of, construction of, the human brain. For
example; that where it says; "200 Million Soldiers," is a reference
to the 200 million neurones in the Corpus Callosum, and "The Two
Beasts" are poetic metaphors for malfunctioning Left and the Right
Brains Hemispheres. The "Dragon or the Devil" being used as a
metaphor for the brain's malfunctioning Limbic System (instinct
brain) and R-Complex (McLean). This, however, is not being dealt
with in the book; The Little Scroll. This is the subject of the other
publications; The Autobiography of Mr. 666, Book Two. It is in
that book that interpretation of The Book of Revelations, reveals
that the reference to a man's name being hidden in the number 666
as a sort of a code, which turns out to be possibly the initials in the
name of the author, who by now becomes even more questionable.
This in spite of all the neurological testing and the fact that he has
been tested with a most unusual degree of IQ and an even
distribution of abilities.

What the predictive powers of the GUT/TOE PARADIGM may be
in the future, must be further exercised by the Physicists in
Theoretical and Experimental Physics and like Prof. Hawking
predicts, such a GUT/TOE PARADIGM will make the Physicists
of the world very busy. Some of the leading physicists today are not
at all that sure whether there exists a GUT/TOE PARADIGM that
can describe "everything at one go" in absolute terms and some of
the prognosis regarding this are; "If this law is found, it could prove
almost meaningless, or, it could lead to a new golden age of

The prognosis the author is making, are not so much concerned
with the science, or human power over the part of the Universe that
is in a material state, as they are concerning the golden age of
human relations, love, charity, contentment, health and happiness
as well as positive alterations on the political scene, it may
produce. Here the answers to the questions concerning possible
solutions to the multitude of problems of humanity enter into the
picture and the prognosis are that it will ultimately be shown that
there is no other alternative to this solution of our already colossal
and continually growing problems. It is the believe of the author
that the assessment of the validity of the QREST-FIELD VENN
DIAGRAM GUT/TOE PARADIGM may not necessarily be
dependent on coming from the community of physicists and
neurologist. The author believes that anyone is capable of grasping
the value of the ideas involved in the GUT/TOE PARADIGM
presentation. Whether the author is someone with GUTS, or
whether he is just NUTS, (no pun) remains to be seen.
Electrotechnical, Neurological, Psychological and Psychiatric tests
have been made of the author, and these have shown him perfectly
well and sane, but these can in no way be final. How the case for
the publication of The Little Scroll books evolves will be the
ultimate judgement. It is thus appropriate here to point out the
following axiom to anyone reading this; Should there be an
individual outside of the mainstream of scientific inquiry, that
happens to stumble on to the Final GUT/TOE PARADIGM that
turns out to be absolute in all its aspects, such an individual can
not be expected to be anything like what we commonly call a
normal human being. This is not saying that it be proven that this
being the case here. Rather that such an individual as normal or
anywhere near what is commonly regarded as being normal can not
be expected to be involved here.

The QREST FIELD Venn Diagram theorisation do not require any
further experimental findings in order to prove their suggestions.
The findings from the accelerators that are already available, are
quite sufficient. The enigmas of; The Higg's Particle, The Graviton,
The Susy's, Quark Confinement, and other such extravaganza, are
all resolved. Through the connection and inclusion of the programs
for the human brain and its consciousness, the GUT/TOE
PARADIGM not only explains the malfunctions of the human
brain, but makes suggestions for their correction. Finally, it
explains why some humans, not all, enter into faith, believes of a
creating and controlling reality which they call GOD. This in turn
being the source of the oldest and bloodiest controversy in
humanity -- It further explains why some individuals are completely
incapable of believing and why peoples suddenly change and
become; "Reborn Christians" as they call them selves, or go
through Shamadies or Satories and become totally changed
persons, Enlightened Persons. Finally it explains why man has the
concept of the Devil, instead of just; malfunction of the brain, and
how this comes about in neurological/quantum mechanical reality.
The theorisation provide the explanation for this malfunction of the
human brain. The Little Scroll Book Three, the Anthropic section
of the writings, deals with this. The mystical/metaphysical aspect of
the GUT/TOE PARADIGM being presented here, can, and is being,
connected directly to the 5th and 10th chapters of The Book of
Revelations. This is, however, being approached from a science
viewpoint and without entering into any spiritual details of this
connection in The Little Scroll books. That connection is being
dealt with and it explained and exploited in; The Autobiography of
Mr. 666, books, this without it being approached from a religious
viewpoint. -- Finally, it should be a forgone conclusion that the
QREST FIELD Venn Diagram theorisation should clear the
mysteries involving the Young's Double Slit Experiments. This is
indeed the case.


"Quantum mechanics appears to describe a universal order that
includes us in a very special way. In fact, our minds may enter into
nature in a way we had not imagined possible... Perhaps the
appearance of the physical world is magical because the orderly
processes of science fail to take the observer into account. The
order of the universe may be the order of our own minds."

F. A. Wolf.


Some further Details of the Foundation Arguments for the
The theorisation are a non-mathematical system of symbolic logic,
which is founded, in the first part, in the mathematics presented by
George Boole in the first half of the 19th century, and then
developed into the unification symbolism of set mathematics, by
John Venn, in the last part of the 19th century. The second half of
the logical foundations are in the mathematical logic, presented by
Kurt G?del, in his Incompleteness Theorem, in the first half of the
20th century, and Roger Sperry's investigation findings into the
Human Brain's Basic Functional Program, in the latter part of the
20th century. Provisionally the system of symbolic mathematics,
which has been developed for and which is being used in the
project, has being given the complex label: Relativistic Quantum
Superstrings/Twistors Field, Grand Unification Theory, Theory of
Everything. This for short is the: QREST FIELD GUT/TOE

The facts of the shortcomings of mathematics discovered during the
twenties, through Kurt G?del, and then further the incalculable
shortcomings of mathematics as they have been experienced in
physics in the latter part of the centuries, is the base of this
approach. Without getting here involved in the debate as to what
mathematics really constitute and the how and why it exists, we
shall here attempt to explain very briefly the prime reason for the
none mathematical approach in our theorisation and the
justification for the system we employ. -- The limitations of
mathematics appear as follows;

a.The first of the shortcomings of mathematics appeared in QED
when the physicist began to be capable of measuring the electron
while it was making its energy interaction by the exchange and
receipt of photons. Mathematical calculations indicated that while
the electron was at it, it acquired a status of infinite energy. After a
hard struggle the mathematicians/physicists found a mathematical
way around this by what is know as renormalisation. This problem
appeared again in QCD with the nucleons and its strong interaction
force carrier, the pions. Again, this was by the use of
renormalisation procedures, or "sweeping under the rug" as Paul
Dirac described. The suggestion was that some explanations had
been left out and there are still some that see matters this way.
b.The second is the fact that proper mathematics do not exist in and
beyond the GUT ERA in he Big Bang event. From about second 10
in the 30th negative power and until the Planck Constant brakes
down at second 10 in the 43rd negative power or at the mass/energy
barrier (gravity) of 10 in the 32nd power degrees Kelvin, the
mathematical approach regresses in capacity until it looses its
ability to describe space and time, or anything else for that matter.
In addition to this problem, the Supersymmetry, Superstring Group
Theory Equations describing the Big Bang in the 10 dimensional
accommodation, require what is now being described as
mathematical compactification procedures, in order to role up the
extra dimensions or to make them disappear. This is an extensive
and complexed problem which in our QREST FIELD GUT/TOE,
theorisation is resolved by the existence of only two extra quantum
dimensions whose whereabouts are known.
c.The third is the fact that high-precision mathematical modelling
analyses, which is executed primarily by way of differential
equations, is in practice applicable only to relatively simple and
well-structured problems. In practice the laws of physics mean
differential equations. Algorithms determining the future sate of a
physical system from its present configuration. Here another
shortcoming appears, but this is in the fact that we find
computability limits when we come to deal with algorithms in
twice-differentiable functions. Here of particular interest is the fact
that a sort of non-computable physics problem has recently
emerged in the investigation of quantum gravity. We are here in
agreement with the warning of John D. Barrow and Roger Penrose,
that the deep mysteries of any ultimate theory of the Universe may
well have at its heart structures that are non-computable. This is the
case with these theorisation.
d.The fourth reason is the practically none existent mathematical
ability of the brains positive dominated hemisphere, normally the
right (spatial) hemisphere, but this is the part of the brain that deals
with space. This brain's hemisphere has to be involved, if the events
of the GUT ERA of the Big Bang are to be described according to
reality as it is dictated by Nature, and not by Man. This is the part
of the brain that commonly involves the functions that are
described as sub/unconscious, which in these theorisation becomes
a highly questionable condition of this part of the human brain. It is
this fact, - which through a detour, - becomes the prime foundation
for our theorisation.

G?del's Incompleteness Theorem and the Shortcomings of Mathematics.

After the proponent of the theorisation had gained his initial
insights, in late 1984, into the method employed in these
theorisation, he went through a period during which he did not
quite understand it's value. He thus did not see any real reason for
undertaking to study it further. -- It was in this state of doubt, in the
spring of 1985, that a famous mathematician, posthumously, came
to his rescue. Kurt G?del had been born in Prague in 1906 and had
soon become a magnificent pure mathematician graduating from the
University of Vienna. He had later moved to Princeton where he
worked with Einstein for a number of years. Where G?del comes to
our aid actually begins at about 1931, but in order to keep the
explanations as to how, at the simplest level, then metaphorically
speaking, this was through his attempt at asking the discipline of
mathematics itself, whether it could tell him what it was, or what it
represented. If the reader desires a more complete clarification of
this, we suggest he consult the Pulitzer prize winning masterpiece
created by the American mathematician Douglas R. Hofstadter;
Much to the consternation of G?del (as well as to the world of
mathematicians), the never erring art of mathematics, told the
inquiring mathematician that it could not tell him this. The reason
the art of mathematics gave, and this again is a metaphor, was that;
All by it self, mathematics did not represent the whole truth and
nothing but the truth. G?del's theorem, known as The
Incompleteness Theorem, shook the very foundations of
mathematics supported logic, this even to the extend that it even
shook the foundations of validity of the presumed empirical work
of A. N. Whitehead and B. Russell, PRINCIPIA MATHEMATICA,
published 1910-1913. The shocking suggestion of G?del's proof
was the challenge that mathematics did study the real world. This
appeared in several form of an aberration of logical thinking
processes, but primarily in the demonstration that any moderately
complexed system of axioms yields statements that are self-
evidently true but which cannot be proven with those same axioms.
This even went so far as to make people wonder if mathematics was
not an excess for the human brain but on the other hand did it
suggest that the human brain might be more than just a machine.
The theorem of G?del has remained a challenge for logicians and
mathematicians ever since it's publications and the ultimate
explanations of its implications has, as far as we know, not been
worked out conclusively.

In 1985, while the proponent of the QREST FIELD GUT/TOE
PARADIGM, was studying the findings of Roger W. Sperry's
investigation into the functional program of the neocortex of the
human brain, that I made some quite startling findings. A
fundamental insight-connections between Sperry's and G?del's, 50
years apart. Sperry, an experimental psychologist, received the
Nobel prize in 1981, in Physiology and Medicine, for his study of
epileptic individuals that had gone through surgical splitting of the
corpus callosum, separating the two brains hemispheres. It was the
fact that the brains spatial hemisphere did hardly know any
mathematics at all, perhaps none. It was in this fact that the
ultimate explanation for the Epimenides Paradox that G?del's
theorem presents. The simple conclusion of our insight was that
WE, humans, can not look at the World, the Universe, or for that
matter, at anything with just one half of the brain. With just one
brain's hemisphere. WE, of course, do not see with our eyes. WE
see with the brain. This will of course become more pronounced the
closer WE look at reality, and then in particular when WE look at
the impossibly small constituents of matter, that are being
investigated by the experimental particle physicists. It is here that
WE are looking at the experimental results through mathematics,
thus looking at the particles with one half of the brain only. The
conclusion of our insight; MAN CAN NOT LOOK FOR, OR AT,

The question as to what system the spatial hemisphere of the brain
would require, to look at the quantum natured results from the
particle accelerators, was pretty obvious in Sperry's findings. The
spatial hemisphere communicated through symbols, so it would
have to be a form of symbolic logic that applied to the spatial
hemisphere. This meant that our ideas, from 1984, for a method of
visual mathematics, or symbolic logic, were perhaps not useless at
all. This meant that the inclusion of the observer that we had
discovered in the method, was by no means out of bounds.
Published in 1990, the book of F. David Pete, SUPERSTRINGS,
mentions the failed attempts of the eminent physicist David
Finkelstein, at developing such a method. The very fact that a
physicist attempted such constructions, proved an encouragement
in the developing of this method. What would be of even greater
encouragement and delight, would be the reading, in the July 1994
issue of the Scientific American, about the suggestion of Roger
Penrose, one of the theorisation developers favourite physicists,
that the, then 60 year old theorem of G?del would be a limiting
factor in the development of the ultimate physical theories. These
contemplations would eventually involve the question why Man is
using his material hemisphere as a primary functional program.
Why we are all using the mathematical/speech hemisphere as a
primary mirror on reality, and we would come to some new and
startling conclusions. Conclusions that would topple some of the
more important findings of classical psychology/psychiatry. These
may eventually turn out to be the points of prime value in our
theorisation, and the G?del's theorem justification for our
theorisations, may turn out to be the strongest justification for their
presentation by a none-scientist.


"The Creation of NEW Physical Principles is Agony and
Apparently cannot be taught."

Steven Weinberg.


The Birth of the Ideas for the Theorisations.
The project came initially into existence in 1984, this after 22 years
of amateur/curiosity following of the progression of the sciences,
catalysed by a transcendental experience. The initial ideas were
born out of attempts at understanding systems distantly related to
the subject of the theorisation. They came about through some
extraordinary, if not altogether unique insights into the natural
possibilities involving Boolean algebraic treatment of the
Newton/Leibnitz differential/integral calculus and the fundamental
nature of complex numbers. This through a modification of, the
Venn Diagram treatment of this form of symbolic logic. Though
related to mathematics, the model is none mathematical and is thus
limited in its dealings with the first second but in utter simplicity,
thus limited in its details which have to be treated by ordinary

The initial shock for the individual involved with this theoretical
model, at the acquisition of its basic ideas (1984), initially caused
him personal doubt about his own mental sanity. Consequentially
he undertook going through a complete psychiatric testing and
evaluation (1985), but the tests only revealed him as "very well
intelligent with an even distribution of abilities." The next 5 years
he spent trying to prove to himself that his ideas might possibly be
some form of delusions or unfounded abstractions (1986/1990). In
this he was unsuccessful and this eventually lead to the beginning
of his work on the creation of his theoretical model in late 1990.
He has now been working on the project for the past 4 year in his
spare time and the project is proceeding exceedingly slow since he
is not properly educated, trained or equipped to deal with such a
highly complex and unusual undertaking. The individual having to
engage in the construction of this model outside of academic
circles, this through self-education and without possibilities for
consultations with experts. This if further delayed by extremely
poor economic circumstances of the individual.

In addition to these deterring factors, the extraordinary and obvious
grandiose nature, of the subject and the enormity of the project,
tend to overwhelm the individual working on the model. -- The
presentation is being worked on in two different forms, one in the
form of the various disciplines of physics, the other in the form of
the various disciplines of neurology. These are intended for critical
evaluation and commentary by those whose theorisation have been
the prime sources of information for the construction of the
theoretical model here involved. -- Two books on the two aspects of
the model are being worked on and are intended for the general
public. The simplicity logic of the modified Venn Diagram
(mathematical sets) makes these theorisation easily accessible and
of general interest to the none expert. The next file contains our
description of the projected QREST FIELD GUT/TOE
PARADIGM system of theorisation.


"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge in the field of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."

Albert Einstein.

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