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Obnoxious questionniare for public servants

Public Servants Questionaire

Name of Public Servant_____________________________________________________

Resident Address __________________________________________________________

City__________________ State____ Zip______________________


Name of government bureau or agency by which public servant is employeed


Mailing Address____________________________________________________________

City___________________ State____ Zip_____________________


Length of time employeed by this agency Years-____________Months-__________

Job Title or Description___________________________________________________

Name of Immediate supervisor_______________________________________________

Does Public servant have proof of Identity (Y,N)

Nature of Proof ___________________________________________________________

State fully the purposes for which any information is being gathered and the

purpose of this investigation or contact ___________________________________



Name of agency and/or person requesting this investigation or call be made


Is this investigation: (A / B) where
A=}General (a blanket investigation in which a number of persons are
involved because of geography, type of business, politics
sex, income, etc.)
B=} Special (any investigation of an individual in which others are
not involved.)
If answer is B-}Special,state the identity of the person being investigated


If answer is A-}General, state the nature of the selection process that
resulted in our inclusion in this investigation.


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Public Servants Signature denoting that he or she has read this


Was a private citizen resposible for initiating this investigation? (Y\N)
If Yes then state his or her name and the date that citizen suggested this
investigation and to what agency.




Are the answers to the questions or the information you are requesting
required by law or voluntary.(circle one)
If this information is required by law:
1: Provide full citations to the relevant statutes, executive orders,
or regulations for such compulsory response and attach copies of
such laws hereto.
2: State the penalties ond or consequences should we refuse to comply.

Are answers to all questions legally required or only some of them?
(check one) ( ) ALL ( ) SOME
If only some please indicate which questions are voluntary.

Will the information obtained as a result of this investigation be held
"CONFIDENTIAL" by the public sevants agency or will any other public or
private agency have access to such information

If shared attach a list of all potential recipiants of these reports (or
sections thereof) and the legal authority for such sharing of information

If we want to inspect the record compiled about us on the basis of this
investigation will we be entitled to do so. (Yes, No)
If "No" attach explination , if "Yes" attach the detailed location of the
files, Access procedures,procedure for contesting the accuracy and/or
completness of said records, and the name and address of the agency official
in charge of such procedures.

You are hereby advised of the following Federal Criminal Law:
"If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate
any citizen in the exercise or enjoyment of any right secured to him by
the Constitution or the laws of the United States, or because of his having
so exersised the same; or if to or more persons go in diguise on the highway
,or on the premises of another, with the intent to prevent or hinder his
free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so served- they shall
be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years or both
; and if death results they shall be subject to imprisonment for any term
of years or for life"- U.S.C. Title 18, Sec 241

I hereby swear and affirm that the answers I have given to the foregoing
questions are complete and correct in every particular and that I have read
this questionare in its entirety as shown by my signature on each page.

_________________________________________________ ______/_____/_____
(Public Servant) (Date)

Page 2 of 2
}Please see attached Private Citizens Report{


Has the Public servant been courteous and cooperative?_______________________


Has he or she made any threats?______________________________________________

If so what are the nature of those threats___________________________________









Were there any witnesses to this Public Servants behavior (Yes,No)
If yes please have each of them attach a complete a copy of this form and
attach it for later review.

I hereby swear and affirm that I have answered the questions on this form
completely and correctly to the best of my ability.

___________________________________________ ________/________/______
(Name) (Date)


(City) (State) (ZIP)
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If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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