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Rantings about cyberthings

Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 16:06:28 MDT

| F U T U R E C U L T U R E

Tomorrow's Reality Today.
A somewhat-definitive guide to resources bringing you the future.....

updated: 6.8.92 _______________________________________________________________

subscriptions to the futureculture mailinglist: [email protected]
specify: realtime, digest, or faq only

typed up by hawkeye (andy) [email protected] 303.438.1481 (bbs) ____________

While no article that attempts to document an entire emerging subculture can be
complete, I will do my best to give you enough complete and accurate
information to get you on your way to the future.

This article will focus mainly on cyberpunk culture, rave culture, industrial,
post po-mo, virtual reality, drugs, computer underground, etc. Basically, the
elements that make up the developing techno-underground.

Included in this article will be: suggested readings -- books, magazines,
zines, requisite authors, etc., BBSes devoted to relevant topics, corporations
and merchandise geared toward the techno-aware, Internet e-mail addresses for
relevant figureheads in this area, suggested music and movies/videos, FTP
sites, etc.

I will do my best to update this article every so often, as the techno-
underground is not stagnant and is always shifting and changing and moving
forwrad. If you have any complaints/comments/suggestions/errors or just wanna
send someone mail, write to me on the Internet - [email protected]. I also
welcome addition requests and such - feel free to say "hey man, add blah-blah
to the list!"

I am also cosysop of a BBS that specializes in freedom of information - The
Kracker Box BBS @ 303.438.1481. If you this stuff interestes you, give us a
call! Send feedback saying you got the number from Hawkeye's article.

-----all the information contained in this article is for information purposes
only - I am not responsible for anything but me and all that - I disclaim
everything I possibly can and all that other $h|+

-----many thanks go out to The Butler for his article "An Introduction to the
Computer Underground", which was an invaluable resource and model! ______

We are the music makers. And we are the dreamers of the dreams.
:::::Wille Wonka and the Chocalate Factory

Time just ain't doing what it used to do.
::::::Bernard Sumner w/ 808 State

Reality is for people who can't handle drugs.
::::::the masses

If only you could see what I've seen through your eyes
::::::Blade Runner

They made LSD illegal - I wonder what they'll do with this.
::::::Jerry Garcia on Virtual Reality

We've discovered Cyberotica!!!!!
::::::The Shamen at a Party with RU Sirius

The techno-underground is a direct decendant of the hippy revolution.
::::::Select Magazine (April .92)

"Thus the most repressed sector of society acquires a paradoxical power
through the myth of its occult and knowledge." [Hakim Bey]. Gibson & Burroughs
& Lewis Shriner & Norman Spinrad & Bruce Sterling created the perfect term --
"The odd occult shadow still haunts" the civilized, industrial culture.
Here is the marvelous paradox of VR/Cyberpunk: Big high-tech firms fighting the
myth of "electronic LSD." Jaron Lanier as wizard with dreadlocks! Eric
Gullichsen - student of Crowley! Mondo 2000! Gibson and his data rustlers!
::::::Timothy Leary

| |
| Contents: |

intro quotes contents cultural literacy magazines (hardcopy) electronic zines
and digests electronic-essays usenet newsgroups e-mail addresses ftp sites
bbses books videos music drugs companies/merchandise closing __________________
| |
| Cultural Literacy |

(these are just various introductions to various aspects of 'futureculture')

Chaos Theory/Fractals --------------------- (reprinted w/o permission from Spin
magazine - article by Julian Dibbell)

Stoked on discoveries of elegently simple equations underlying such mundane,
yet dauntingly complex phenomena as rising smoke and intermixing fluids (not to
mention weather patterns, stock markets, your brain, and any other system with
more than a handful of variables to keep track of), chaos theory has spent the
past two decades on a paradigm-rattling rampage through the halls of science.
And now it's breaking out in the fringes of popular culture.

Some say the new metadiscipline ranks with relativity and quantum mechanics as
one of the century's great scientific revolutions. But that doesn't quite
explain why fractals [cyberdelic images that illustrate some of the theory's
abstract principles] have made their way on to t-shirts and record sleeves,
into music videos and coffee-table picture books.

The truth is chaos probably owes as much of its budding hipness to some happy
collisions with the zeitgeist. For one thing, it give's last week's buzzword--
post-modernism--a welcome face-lift. Demoloshing classical science's cherished
beleif that an ordered world is ultimately a predictable--and controllable--
world, chaos theory fights the good postmodern fight against the totalitarian
drift built into Western thinking from Descartes on. And then there's the New
Age factor with its emphasis on whole systems rather than their constituent
parts (molecules, atoms, protons, quarks). Chaos gives off an aura of holism
your average Aquarian huckster can smell all the way from hist last

The Computer Underground ------------------------ (reprinted without permission
from The Butler's article An Introduction to the Computer Underground)

Com-put-er Un-der-ground \kem-`py?t-er\ \`en-der-`gra?nd\ (1970's)

A group organized in secrecy, hidden behind aliases, to promote the free
exchange of information regarding anything and everything including but
not limited to: Computers, Telephones, Radios, Chemicals, and ideas.

| (just to insert some of my own notes in here): |Some terms you should know: |
|Hacking - used in the sixties sense of the word usually refers to programming
|or messing around with some tool or something. In the 80's sense of the word
|it usually refers to people breaking into computer systems for whatever |
reasons. That word has generally been replaced for the 90's by either |
"techno-terrorists" (destructive hackers), "cyberpunks" (liberators of |
information, going back to the original Hacker Ethic at MIT), or "crackers" |
(password breaker-types who enter systems and mess around but don't do damage)
| |Phreaking - "hacking" with the phones. This includes boxing (generally |
getting calls for free by reproducing certain frequencies the telco uses), |
calling card fraud, etc. etc. | |CC Fraud - credit card or calling card fraud.
commonly associated at times |with the computer underground. | |Anarchists -
not really in the political sense, more in the physical "let's |make some
homemade bombs and blow up the pig down the street" sense.

The Computer Underground consists of mainly two forms of media, printed and
electronic, both will be discussed in this file. I use the word underground
because the contents of this file are not the types of titles you would run
across at your local bookstore or newsstand. The kind of information that
makes up underground publications is mainly technical in nature, but,
definitley not limited to that. One can also find tidbits about off-the-wall
polical views, drugs, weapons, and other topics that are not normally in the
mainstream of our society.

The CU is made up of men and women all over the globe and of all ages. Most of
those involved in the CU consider it a hobby, but, there are those that are
involved strictly for illegal purposes, i.e. Selling Pirated Software. I, like
most people involved enjoy the information that can be obtained through all of
the different avenues in the CU, i.e. Bulletin Boards, Underground Periodicals,
Network Digests, and General Discussions between members.

The most common way members communicate is through Bulletin Boards. If you are
reading this you know what a BBS is because this will not be released in
printed form. There are thousands of BBSes around the world run by people for
many reasons including: legitmate businesses, Software Technical Support, Hobby
related, Pirated Software, Message Centers, etc...Some of the more common ones
are RIPCO, Face-2-Face, Exec-PC, The Well, etc...

Currently there are many regular electronic magazines that are being published
and there have been many that have discontinued for one reason or another. Some
current ones include: PHRACK, NIA, PHANTASY, CUD, etc...Some discontinued ones
include: PIRATE, PHUN, NARC, etc...

There is a current debate about wether or not an electronic media has the same
constitutional rights as the printed one. That is for our congressmen to
decide, but, you could voice your opinion. I personally can't see the differ-
-ence. Now, don't get me wrong I do not support the publishing of Long-
distance codes or anything of that nature, but, I do support the exchange of
other information, i.e. how to unprotect a game, how to make a smoke bomb, etc.

There are also "Underground Publications" like TAP, 2600, Cybertech, etc. These
magazines are published in hard copy and deal with every considerable topic
regarding the CU. Most of these magazines publish completely legal information
that is obtained from public sources and is available to anyone and everyone.

Cybernetics ----------- Cybernetics is the study of communication systems in
living organisms and machines, especially the mathematical analysis of the flow
of information. (from The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy - reprinted w/o

Cyberpunk --------- "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned
to a dead channel"
:::::opening lines of Neuromancer

Asking someone to define Cyberpunk is like asking someone to define art. Each
person has their own ideas about what art is, what constitutes art and what
doesn't. Yet we all still know art when we see it. The same is true for
Cyberpunk - each cyberpunk has their own definition for it, yet common threads
remain. In basic terms, these might be definied by an emphasis on
individualism and technology (both in the present and in the future - and in
the past as in The Difference Engine [a book by Gibson & Sterling]).

Cyberpunk began as a literary movement within science fiction in 1984. It all
began A Long, Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away....Actually, it began
with an average guy writing an average sci-fi novel that started an average
techno-revolution. Neuromancer, by William Gibson, was published in July of
1984, and is generally credited as being the heart of cyberpunk. Now, of
course, many people argue as to the true origins of Cyberpunk - names like
William Burroughs and Heinlein appear often in the discussion, but Gibson is
generally credited as the leader of the movement.

So what seperates cyberpunk from other types of sci-fi? Generally, cyberpunk
occures in the not-so-distant-future. It generally occurs on earth, in a time
where technology is prominent. Characters are generally "average Johnny
Mnemonics" - not some fantastic hero with lots of virtue and a blinding smile.
Cyberpunk revels in high-tech low-lifes, so you can expect to see lots of crime
and back-stabbing and drugs and such. These are the basic elements of
Gibsonesque CP (cyberpunk) - we've all seen it before in movies such as Blade
Runner and TV Shows like Max Headroom.

In many cases, it appears as if our world is evolving into a classic cyberpunk
setting: the rise of post-zaibatsu Japan with it's monopoly on technology,
American cities developing into the "sprawl" (basically just large, mega-
cities), drugs and crime are predominant in some cultures, and we thrive and
survive on technology. So, it isn't too hard to see how cyberpunk evolved from
being just a literary movement into a growing sub-culture - industrial and
post-industrial aspects of the culture, virtual reality, rave parties,
nootropics, computer hacking - they're all aspects of our culture, they all
would fit nicely into a Gibson novel, and they all exist *now*.

So, what makes a cyberpunk? If you already knew all this stuff, and you're
laughing at my generalities and inconsistencies, then you're definitely a
cyberpunk. If you're a techno-junkie or an info-junkie, than you'd probably
consider yourself a cyberpunk. Basically, if you live in a world in the not-
so-distant-future, ahead of the masses (the masses being guys named Buford who
sit out in front of their trailer homes in lawn chairs sipping a Bud and
watching the Indy 500 on an old tv), then you could probably safely consider
yourself a cyberpunk. It's a spectrum, though - I mean, it's kind of like if
Micahelangelo had an assistant, he would probably not consider the assistant an
artist. Yet to his friends and family, that assistant may seem like a great
artist. I consider myself a cyberpunk compared to the masses that walk the
halls of my school, yet at a virtual reality conference in the presence of the
likes of Jaron Lanier, Gibson, John Perry Barlow, Timothy Leary, RU Sirius,
etc. I would probably be more hesitant in labeling myself a true cyberpunk. But
one the beauties of cp is that it is still somewhat elitist to an extent:
members of the community realize that we who walk on the fringes of culture
need to hold each others' hand until the masses join us - the communal
atmosphere, at times, can be seen as similair to the early hippie movement of
the late 50's/early 60's.

So, what are some good places to start in finding out more about CP? First
off, read the novel Neuromancer by William Gibson - it should be available in
every damn mall bookstore across the world. If you enjoyed that, then read
Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive, also by Gibson. And you might want to pick
up a copy of Gibson's Burning Chrome, a collection of cp short stories and
such. So, now you've had your fill of Gibson - it's time to make the
transition to other authors. The next big figurehead of the movement is Bruce
Sterling. Sterling edited a CP anthology called "Mirrorshades" containing
works by many leading authors of the CP movement. Pick this up - it will give
you a good idea of just how limitless cyberpunk really can be. And you can
also get a feel for some other authors you might appreciate. Sterling co-wrote
a book with Gibson entitled The Difference Engine - you might want to pick this
up as well. But be warned, it takes place in the past (the industrial
revolution) and *not* in the future. Many cp's argue as to whether or not this
type of work could truly be considered cyberpunk. A couple other books of
interest might be Cyberpunks by Katie Hafner and John Markoff, which relates
current-day computer-hacking to cyberpunk, and GURPS Cyberpunk, which is an
infamous role-playing game guidebook published by Steve Jackson Games.
Although this book is basically an RPG manual, it does have interesting side-
notes on current-day cyberpunk, and the story behind the book itself gives you
an idea as to just how much the government feels threatened by all-things-
cyberpunk.....Now that you're tired of reading, pick up the movie Blade Runner
- it's classic cp. And if you can find the original Max Headroom somewhere,
pick that tape up too. As far as music goes, pick your favorite category, look
at this list, and try out some of the artists listed under it. And if you find
yourself saying, "hey this stuff is cool man!" pick up a copy of Mondo 2000
magazine - it's kind of like the requisiste cp journal. Have phun!

Drugs ----- (thanx to Dave [[email protected]] for the nice little summary)

A note on drugs: The current drugs of choice for the underground culture falls
into one or two (or both) categories: psychedelics and nootropics.

Psychedelics: Popularized in the 60s, the use of these drugs to expand the
human consciousness and unconsciousnes and to gain a better understanding of
so-called reality has been reborn! It waned in the 70's, but with the advent
of virtual reality, fractal graphics and the science of chaos, psychedelia
(cyberdelia now-a-days) is back. You need look no further than your
neighboorhood rave or Timothy Leary's involvement in VR to see proof of this
fact. Anyway, pot is still the drug of choice for many. LSD (acid) has been
re-popularized in the last few years, and is easy to get and a hell of a lot
better buy for your money than weed. Ecstacy ('E', MDMA) is popular as well,
and more popular than a glass of water at raves. Be careful, and know what
you're getting into before you mess around with illegal substances. (I don't
encourage their use, but I don't disapprove of it either *-) - And, as a
prerequisite, read all the Timothy Leary you can get your hands on.

Nootropics: Also called 'Smart drugs' these have gained popularity among the
cyber crowd lately. Smart Drugs do a wide variety of things: enhance memory
capabilities, increase learning capabilities, speed up reaction time, etc, etc.
Some of the more popular nootropics are: piracetam, choline, vasopressin, L-
tryptophan, and a host of other names you can't pronounce and I can't spell.
Nootropics is a developing field still in its infancy in most respects - it may
be just another fad or it may be the wave of the future. Another variation on
nootropics is 'Smart Drinks' which you can find at just about every rave. Smart
Drinks usually contain a host of amino acids and vitamins and minerals and
other unhealthy crap like that *-). Do some research before messing around
with these, please, as most were NOT intended for the purpose you'll be using
them for, and each one supposedly has different results.

Let's be careful out there, and rave on!

Industrial ---------- Current-day industrialism is basically a cyberpunk world
with political overtones. The politics usually tend towards an anarchistic,
nihilistic, even apocalyptic nature. Industrialists are basically the "punks"
(referring to the late 70's/early 80's punk-rock movement) of the 90's and
beyond. The music they listen to takes advantage of all the current technology
to produce what some call "noise" - a collection of samples, beats, rhythms,
hard vocals (sometimes computer generated) and heavy guitars to produce music
that has its influences in punk, rap, and techno/dance. Some argue that ska
and reggae are beginning to infiltrate the ranks of industrial - probably
because of its prominence within the skinhead community. I should put a word
in here on skins - many current-day skinheads fit right into the industrial,
cyberpunk culture - especially those who are not racially prejudiced (if you
think all skinheads are racist, than you have been spending too much time
freebasing the mass media).

Nanotechnology -------------- (reprinted without permission from Newsweek,
April 15, 1991 p. 60)

Think small. Very small. So small that a pair of tongs is dwarfed by a
snowflake, so small that motors and gears can hide beneath a fleck of dandruff,
so small that levers and springs are tinier than a grain of sand. And then
think big. The revolution in microdevices represented by these tiny tools
promises to do for machines what the incredible shrinking chip has done for
electronics. Micromachines could include such wonders as gnat-sized robots
that pick out toxic chemicals from backyard wells. Medical researchers dream
of pumps no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence that would float
through the bloodstream straining out HIV-infected cells. "The greatest
scientific fronteir in this century is the microworld." declares engineer
Yotaro Hatamura of Tokyo University.

Calling the breakthroughs an advance in miniaturization is like dismissing the
laser as a brighter light bulb. Microdevices promise a quantum leap beyond the
abilities of normal machines because, starting with the first micros fashioned
at Bell Labs in 1987, they are made of the same polysilicon and by the same
techniques as computer chips. Thus a single chip can hold not merely a small
machine, but a smart one, able to process information like any computer chip.
And thousands can be made at once, dirt cheap. Colored specks on walls could
be instructed to flip over to reveal a new hue when a homeowner wants to
redecorate. Mini-robots could pick out specks of gold from ore now too low-
grade to bother with. "In 30 years," says George Hazelrigg of the National
Science Foundation, "this technology is going to be everywhere."

Raves ----- (thanx to Dave for the info)

My friend gave me the number. I called. A voice mailbox told me about the
massive wattage, the laser-light show, the big-screens of Video Toasters and
Fractals and Mac images that were soon to follow. Along with the Djs, drinks,
and other substances that woulds be present. I wrote down the directions. I
left. I met the guy behind a parking lot about 30 miles away from my house,
shelled out $20 for two tickets, and he handed me a few flyers and a map. Rave
flyers are a cultural phenom in themselves - someone once said to me "you know
that if Plato was alive today, Timothy Leary and Jaron Lanier would be in the
Republic, and there would be a rave flyer in the back." We left, my ex-
girlfriend and I, and drove another twenty miles to the abandon warehouse by
the new airport. We parked a block away and walked. Techno was our guide down
the last couple legs of the journey to get to my first rave. And when we
entered - the lights! the s o u n d s ! ! ! ! ! !!
This was hardcore techno - stuff that would make The Shamen wet their pants in
fear. People in plastic suits were walking around handing out "party favors"
<cough><cough>......Dancing and dancing and dancing and laughing and laughing
and loving - that's the best way to describe it. Time was irrelevant of course
- this was all that mattered. The Video Toaster was cool - I think it was just
the demo tape from the company plus some other stuff. And the fractals on all
the big-screens were definitely out there. If only the hippies had waited 30
years.....I'd heard better mixing from DJs, but I guess these were local guys
who aren't well known. I only recognized about 1/3 of the music - it was cool.
I didn't try the smart drinks, I watched someone on E puke one up instead. I
hope he was ok. Even the scene outside the warehouse was cool - people just
lounging, some on certain substances, some purely straight - some making love,
some discussing consciousness and Timothy Leary, people handing out more flyers
and t-shirts and imports and stuff - taking abreak was as much fun as the scene
inside. No hate, no fear - only love and drugs and lasers and fractals and


Virtual Reality --------------- "electronic LSD"
:::::Timothy Leary

"Virtual Reality allows people to inhabit cyberspace rather than just think
about it."
:::::John Perry Barlow

"Virtual reality will be an anarchist's dream, a reality where things are
infinitely abundant, property loses its meaning, and creativity is the only
dependable form of capital. Communication will slough off its dependence on
language and blossom into a rich, fluid game of show and tell. Virtual reality
will be the death of passive information."
:::::Jaron Lanier

"like freebasing television"
:::::William Gibson

(reprinted from Spin magazine without permission - the article was entitled
Virtual Kool-Aid Acid Test)

Call us a tribe: the growing subset of the American population for whom the
information age amounts to more than just productivity enhancement. For us,
computers, fiber optics, fax machines, all are emissaries from a near future,
longed after with a fervor approaching the spiritual, the sexual, and/or
neurotic. And so far, no single device has come as close to being our Holy
Grail as the one called virtual reality--the world inside a computer.

Descended on one side from a long line of largely military tools--wind tunnels,
flight simulators, computer modeling methods--virtual reality also owes its
existence to more familiar forms of simulation technology, like storytelling,
fantasy, hype. The concept entered the popular consciousness as science
fiction, in William Gibson's 1984 novel Neuromancer, which envisioned the world
data network of the future as a colourful, three-dimensional "consensual
hallucination" known as cyberspace and accessed via direct brain-to-machine
transmissions. Within a few years of the novels' publication, news of a real-
life version of the cyberspace interface, implemented via televisual goggles
and motion-sensitive gloves, was causing sparks. By mid-1990m the sparks had
grown into a media brushfire, with stories on virtual reality popping up in
Time, Spin, and Variety; on ABC News and on the front page of the New York

{What follows is an account of a VR trip on VPL's equipment:} It was a
typically sunless day in Seattle, and I was floating high above Puget Sound, a
disemobdied point of data. Below me the city skyline was a cluster of building
blocks; two feet ahead my hand hovered like a pet sattelite. I aimed my finger
downward and descended slowly, passing the Space Needle so close I could hear
the sounds of conversations from inside; then I plunged into the blue waters of
the bay to chase a whale swimming just below the surface.

Up and out again, I floated skyward toward a giant purple keyhole hanging about
where the sun should have been. Passing through the keyhole, I emerged in a
Danish-modern studio apartment, floated across it to another keyhole and out
into a romper room cluttered with Wonderlandish features. I plucked a twirling
banana from midair and handed it to a duck bobbing in a hot tub. I grabbed a
top hat--it turned into a dozen roses. I soared hundreds of feet above the
room in hot pursuit of a mechanical bird twisting its way through a tunnel of
colorful bubbles, then burst out into clear sky and onward, up to a lonely
little potato chip of a cloud, which I climbed inside for a brief moment of

This was some heavy shit, wasn't it? This was what mystics had talked about
for centuries, right? I had become pure energy, pure information. No longer
bound by gravity's rainbow or matter's brick wall, I was travelling if by force
of thought, throught worlds familiar and worlds only imagined - all created on

| |
| Magazines (hardcopy) of interest: |

A.C.T. c/o Steve Jones PO Box 84001 Trafalgar Postal Outlet Oakville ONT,
Canada L6H-5V7
-Anarchy zine

Bad News PO Box 18-D Denver, CO 80218
-music zine

Boardwatch 5970 S. Vivian St. Littleton, CO 80127 303.973.6038 (voice) 303.
.973.4222 (bbs/data) 303.973.3731 (fax)
-BBSing articles/lists/info
-$4 an issue

bOING bOING 4500 Forman Avenue Suite 2 Toluca Lake, CA 91602 808.505.8169
-$4 an issue, $14 for 4 issues
-cyberpunk zine
-home of the 5.5meg HyperCard Stack "Beyond Cyberpunk"

The...Chronicle c/o Nathaniel-M. Naske PO Box 80721 Fairbanks, AK 99708
-Occult, conspiracy, mind control, drugs, zines, music, catalogs

Combined Warning Bulletin PO Box 27304 Creve Coeur, MO 63141
-listing of bad VISA and Mastercard numbers

Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.) 1515
Broadway NY, NY 10036 212.869.7440
-the Internet, networks, ACM news, etc.
-$75 membership dues includes a $30 subscription to CACM

Cybertek OCL/Magnitude PO Box 64 Brewster, NY 10509
-hacking, cyberpunks, technology, culture
$10 a year

Disco Family Plan DJ ESP Woody McBride 1205 S. 7th St. #8 Minneapolis, MN
55415 612.376.0226
-rave zine

The Drug Policy Letter 4801 Massachusettes Ave. NW Suite 400 Washington D.C.,
-pro-legalization think-tank's watchdog-on-WoD newsletter

Dupress Diamond News PO Box 3603 NY, NY 10185
-Grateful Dead zine

EXTROPY: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought PO Box 57306 Los Angeles, CA
-$9 two issues (one year)

Fact Sheet Five PO Box 8615 Prairie Village, KS 66208
-independently-oriented reviewers of the culture
-little known about this new address and owners
-may be an e-digest soon

Flatland PO Box 2420 Fort Bragg, CA 95437-2420 707.964.8326
-"The News Stand by mail"
-catalog of zines, books, interviews, etc.

The Free Journal e-mail [email protected]
-locally-published underground journal focusing on rights, drugs, etc.

Hac-Tic pb 22953, 1100 DL Amsterdam, The Netherlands [email protected] (Internet)
-published near that hotbed of hackers in holland/amsterdam
European counterpart to 2600
$2.30 US an issue

Happy Thrasher / Hate Hundred Tin-ear 859 S. Barnett Ave Anaslime, CA 92805-
5408 714.647.2307
-Hate Hundred is a phreaking zine (50 cents)
-Happy Thrasher advocates freedom, destruction, self-education ($1)

High Times PO Box 410 Mt. Morris, IL 61054
-drugs, and drugs, and drugs (mostly pot) and politics
$29.95 a year for subscriptions (12 issues)
should be available at any decent newsstand

Intertek: The Cyberpunk Journal Steve Steinberg 325 Ellwood Beach #3 Goleta,
CA 93117 [email protected]
-formerly Frank Drake's W.O.R.M
hacking, cyberspace, interviews, designer drugs, cryonics, etc.
$2.50 an issue

Iron Feather Journal PO Box 1905 Boulder, CO 80306-1905
-hacking, anarchy, techno-phun, underground info, raves, activism
$2 an issue

Maxine's Pages Crystal Rain Agaency PO Box 866 Manchester, GA 31816
-contancts and info from various underground scenes
-$1 per issue, $5 a year

Mondo 2000 PO Box 10171 Berkeley, CA 94709 415.845.9018 (phone) 415.649.9630
(fax) [email protected]
-your definitive guide to all things cyberpunk and some things not
should be available at any decent newsstand
was Reality Hackers and High Frontiers
$21 for 5 issues (published quarterly)

-Grateful Dead magazine, should be available at any newststand

Science Fiction Eye PO Box 18539 Asheville, NC 28814
-sf/cp magazine, contains a regular article by Bruce Sterling
-3 issues $10, 6 issues $18, back issues available
-tell 'em I sent ya

The Shadow PO Box 20298 NY, NY 10009 212.674.0581
-Anarchy Newspaper
-$2 a copy, $15 a year

Sound News And Arts PO Box 31104 Omaha, NE 68132
-$10 for 12 issue subscription

TAP PO Box 20264 Louisville, KY 40250
-the original phreaker's rag, begun by Abbie Hoffman
formerly YIPL (Youth International Party Line) and then it was
Technilogical Assistance Program, now it's
Technilogical Advancement Party
hacking, anarchy, some political
has undergone many publishing changes
operates Blitzkrieg BBS @ 502.499.8933
TAP-Online also available on some BBSes / FTP sites

Technology Works PO Box 477 Placentla, CA 92670-0477
-techno/industrial/cp fanzine
-send $1.50

2600 PO Box 752 Middle Island, NY 11953-0752 516.751.2600 (office) 516.751.
.2608 (fax) [email protected] (Internet)
-the original infamous hacker's zine
subscriptions are $21 for 4 issues (published quarterly)
back issues are $25 / year

Whole Earth Review PO Box 38 Sausalito, CA 94966-9932 (Whole Earth runs The
Well [Whole Earth Lectronic Link] - well.sf.ca.us)
-combines new age, techno-culture, california fads, etc.
should be available at any decent newsstand
$20 year for subscriptions

The Zone 6085 Venice Blvd #82 Los Angeles, CA 90034
-beyond mainstream society
-send $5 w/ name and adress to get 6 issues _______________________________
| |
| E-Magazines and digests: |

Anarchy List [email protected]
-discussion of all aspects of anarchy

Anarchy 'N' Explosives
-anarchy, phreaking

Activist Times Incorporated [email protected]
-political, hacking, anarchy

-cracking, hacking

-German hacking, associated with the Chaos Computer Club
written in German

-hacking, etc.

Corrupted Programmers International

Computers and Academic Freedom [email protected] <add comp-academic-freedom-
-computing freedom, mostly deals with college campuses

Computer Down-Underground Digest
-CUD for Australia, New Zealand

Computer Underground Digest [email protected]

Cult of the Dead Cow files
-hacking, phreaking, anarchy, etc.

-hacking, cyberpunk

Digital Free Press dfp-req%[email protected]
-hacking, information, etc.


EFF News (EFFector Online) [email protected]
-sends out EFFector Online, the Electronic Fronteir foundation's

Extropians [email protected]
-nanotechnology, cryonics, anarchocapatilist politics, technological
extension of human intelligence and perception
-serious discussion from an informative perspective
-available on listserv as xtropy-l <sub xtropy-l>

4AD [email protected] <sub 4ad-l>
-discussion of badns on the 4AD label

FNORD-L [email protected] <sub fnord-l>
-philosophies of Leary, Robert Anton Wilson, Dr. Lilly, etc.

Freaker's Bureau International [email protected]
-anarchy, hacking, cyberpunk

FutureCulture [email protected]
-discussion of cyberpunk, vr, computer underground, raves, industrial
culture, post po-mo, etc.
-home of this FAQ!!!
-please specify realtime, digest, or FAQ only when subscribing

Gibraltar [email protected].org
-discussion of artistic and progressive music

-hacking around the world, cyberpunk

Grunge [email protected] <sub grunge-l>
-grunge music

-hacking, published in Britain

Hacker's Unlimited
-hacking, phreaking

Informatik [email protected]
-hacking, phreaking, computer underground, cyberpunk, etc.

-hacking, computer underground

Legion of Doom/Hackers Technical Journals
-hacking, brought to you by the famous masters

Leri-L (Mailing list) [email protected]
-mailing list devoted to metaprogramming, philosophy, expanding
consciousness, etc.

Manchester [email protected]
-bands from manchester, madchester, raving, shoegazing, etc.

National Security Anarchists
-phreaking, hacking

Network Information Access [email protected]
-hacking, computer underground, etc.

New Fone Express
-hacking, phreaking

New Music [email protected]
-new music list

Nuclear Anarchists hackeRs Carders (NARC)
-hacking, carding

Phantasy [email protected]
-anarchy, hacking

Phrack [email protected]
-need we say more - the one, the only hacking e-zine...

-just what it says

Phuckin Phield Phreakers

-phreaking, hacking

-pirating, software cracking

Pirate Radio brewer@ace.enet.dec.com
-pirate radio

Playlist [email protected] <sub [name]>
-mostly alternative radio/dj playlists and discussion

Punk [email protected]
-punk music

Raves [email protected]
-rave culture, mostly in the Bay Area

Rebel's Riting Guild

RISKS Digest [email protected]
-the RISKS of computing in our lives

Syndicate Reports
-phreaking, telco info, etc.

-phreaking, hacking, anarchy

Telecom Privacy Digest [email protected]
-deals with privacy aspects of telecoomunications
most of the conversation revolves around Caller-ID and such

Telecom Digest [email protected]
-deals with all aspects of telecomunications

Virus-l Digest [email protected] (also virus-l on BITNET)
-discussion of viruses and all aspects of 'em

Worldview - Der Weltanschauung [email protected]
-hacking, computer underground, church of subgenius, political, etc.

| |
| E-Essays: |

(these are available at places such as the eff.org's FTP site [eff.org - 192.
88.144.4] in the /pub/cud/* directories)

Baudy World of the Byte Bandit Jim Thomas / Gordon Meyer Chaos
Computer Club files Chaos Computer Club Concerning
Hackers who Break into Computer... Dorothy Denning Consensual Realitites in
Cyberspace Paul Staffo Crime & Puzzlement
John Perry Barlow CU Intro The Butler
EFF Information Files Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF Document Cases Mike Godwin / EFF Jargon File
(same as Raymond's Hacker's Dict.) ?? Neidorf Tril Opening Statements
Sheldon Zenner Night of the Hackers Newsweek
article Official Phreaker's Handbook ?? Operation Sundevil
Press releases ?? Social Organization of the Computer Underground
Gordon Meyer

| |
| Usenet Newsgroups: |

(many thanks go out to the newsgroups file and the invaluable grep)

alt.artcom Artistic Community, arts & communication. alt.bbs
Computer BBS systems & software. alt.bbs.ads Ads for
various computer BBS's. alt.bbs.internet BBS systems accessible via the
Internet. alt.comp.acad-freedom.news Academic freedom issues related to
computers. alt.comp.acad-freedom.talk Academic freedom issues related to
computers. alt.cyberpunk High-tech low-life. alt.cyberpunk.chatsubo
Literary virtual reality in a cyberpunk hangout. alt.cyberpunk.movement
Cybernizing the Universe. alt.cyberpunk.tech Cyberspace and Cyberpunk
technology. alt.cyberspace Cyberspace and how it should work. alt.
cybertoon Cyberpunk epic. alt.dcom.telecom Discussion of
telecommunications technology. alt.drugs Recreational
pharmaceuticals and related flames. alt.drugs.usenet Many things are
addictive besides pills. alt.eff-talk EFF alt.fan.mst3k
Mystery Science Theater 3000 alt.folklore.computers Stories & anecdotes about
computers (some true!). alt.folklore.urban Urban legends, ala Jan Harold
Brunvand. alt.fractals Fractals in math, graphics, and art. alt.
gathering.rainbow Rainbow Gathering Tribe discussion alt.gothic
The gothic movement: things mournful and dark. alt.hackers
Descriptions of projects currently under development. alt.individualism
Individualist discussions alt.industrial The Industrial Computing
Society. alt.magick For discussion about supernatural arts. alt.
manga Discussion of non-Western comics. alt.paranormal
Phenomena which are not scientifically explicable. alt.postmodern
Postmodernism, semiotics, deconstruction, and the like. alt.privacy
Privacy issues in cyberspace. alt.psychoactives Better living through
chemistry. alt.rave Rave culture alt.religion.computers People
who believe computing is "real life." alt.religion.kibology He's Fred, Jim.
alt.rock-n-roll Counterpart to alt.sex and alt.drugs. alt.security
Security issues on computer systems. alt.security.index Pointers to
good stuff in alt.security. (Moderated) alt.sex Postings of a
prurient nature. alt.skate-board Discussion of all apsects of skate-
boarding. alt.skinheads The skinhead culture/anti-culture. alt.slack
Posting relating to the Church of the Subgenius. alt.society.ati
The Activist Times Digest. (Moderated) alt.society.cu-digest Postings
about the Computer Underground. (Moderated) alt.sport.lasertag Indoor
splatball with infrared lasers. alt.thrash Thrashlife. alt.tv.
mst3k Mystery Science Theater 3000 alt.tv.ren-n-stimpy Some
change from Lassie, eh? alt.tv.tiny-toon Dicussion about the "Tiny Toon
Adventures" show. alt.who.is.bob Send $11. ba.music
Musical events in the Bay Area. bionet.neuroscience Research issues in the
neurosciences bit.listserv.emusic-l Electronic Music Discussion List. bit.
listserv.ethics-l Discussion of Ethics in Computing. bit.listserv.fnord-l
New Ways of Thinking List. bit.listserv.frac-l FRACTAL Discussion List.
bit.listserv.valert-l Virus Alert - Urgent Virus Warnings. bit.listserv.
virus-l Computer viruses. bit.listserv.xtropy-l Extropians comp.ai
Artificial intelligence discussions. comp.ai.neural-nets All aspects
of neural networks. comp.ai.philosophy Philosophical aspects of Artificial
Intelligence. comp.ai.vision Artificial Intelligence Vision Research.
(Moderated) comp.dcom.telecom Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.graphics Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.graphics.research Highly technical computer graphics discussion. comp.
.graphics.visualization Info on scientific visualization. comp.music
Applications of computers in music research. comp.org.acm
Topics about the Association for Computing Machinery. comp.org.eff.news
News from the Electronic Frontiers Foundation. comp.org.eff.talk
Discussion of EFF goals, strategies, etc. comp.org.fidonet FidoNews
digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. comp.research.japan The nature of
research in Japan. (Moderated) comp.risks Risks to the public from
computers & users. (Moderated) comp.robotics All aspects of robots
and their applications. comp.security.announce Announcements from CERT.
(Moderated) comp.simulation Simulation methods, problems, uses.
(Moderated) comp.society The impact of technology on society.
(Moderated) comp.society.development Computer technology in developing
countries. comp.society.folklore Computer folklore & culture, past & present.
comp.society.futures Events in technology affecting future computing. ddn.
mgt-bulletin The DDN Management Bulletin from NIC.DDN.MIL ddn.newsletter
The DDN Newsletter from NIC.DDN.MIL (Moderated) fido.info.paranet
FIDO echo for info on "paranet", a para-psych. group fido.new_age_echo
FIDO new age religions echo fido.phil FIDO philosophy echo fido.
space FIDO space issues echo misc.activism.progressive
Information for Progressive activists. misc.int-property Discussion of
intellectual property rights. misc.legal.computing Discussing the legal
climate of the computing world. news.announce.important General announcements
of interest to all. (Moderated) news.future The future technology
of network news systems. pubnet.nixpub The "nixpub" list of public
access UNIXes. pubnet.sources Software of interest to BBS users and
sysops. pubnet.sysops Discussions between sysops of BBS systems.
pubnet.talk Miscellaneous BBS talk. rec.arts.animation
Discussion of various kinds of animation. rec.arts.anime Japanese
animation fen discussion. rec.arts.comics Comic books and strips,
graphic novels, sequential art. rec.arts.drwho Discussion about Dr.
Who. rec.arts.sf-lovers Science fiction lovers' newsgroup. rec.arts.sf-
reviews Reviews of science fiction/fantasy/horror works. rec.arts.sf.
announce Major announcements of the SF world. (Moderated) rec.arts.sf.fandom
Discussions of SF fan activities. rec.arts.sf.marketplace Personal forsale
notices of SF materials. rec.arts.sf.misc Science fiction lovers'
newsgroup. rec.arts.sf.movies Discussing SF motion pictures. rec.arts.sf.
reviews Critiques of science fiction stories. (Moderated) rec.arts.sf.
science Real and speculative aspects of SF science. rec.arts.sf.tv
Discussing general television SF. rec.arts.sf.written Discussion of written
science fiction and fantasy. rec.arts.startrek Star Trek, the TV shows
and the movies. rec.arts.startrek.info Information about the universe of Star
Trek. rec.ham-radio Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules,
etc. rec.mag.fsfnet A Science Fiction "fanzine." (Moderated) rec.mag.
otherrealms Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". rec.music.gdead
A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads. rec.music.industrial Discussion of
all industrial-related music styles. rec.music.makers For performers and
their discussions. rec.music.newage "New Age" music discussions. rec.
music.synth Synthesizers and computer music. rec.music.video
Discussion of music videos and music video software. rec.radio.amateur.misc
Amateur radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc. rec.radio.cb
Citizen-band radio. rec.radio.noncomm Topics relating to noncommercial
radio. rec.radio.shortwave Shortwave radio enthusiasts. rec.video
Video and video components. rec.video.releases Pre-recorded video
releases on laserdisc and videotape. rec.video.satellite Getting shows via
satellite. sci.bio.technology Any topic relating to biotechnology. sci.
crypt Different methods of data en/decryption. sci.lang.japan
The Japanese language, both spoken and written. sci.logic
Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects. sci.military
Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated) sci.nanotech
Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated) sci.philosophy.meta
Discussions within the scope of "MetaPhilosophy." sci.philosophy.tech
Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. sci.physics.fusion Info
on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion. sci.psychology Topics related to
psychology. sci.psychology.digest PSYCOLOQUY: Refereed Psychology Journal and
Newsletter. sci.skeptic Skeptics discussing psuedo-science. sci.
space Space, space programs, space related research, etc. sci.
space.shuttle The space shuttle and the STS program. sci.virtual-worlds
Modelling the universe. (Moderated) soc.culture.japan Everything
Japanese, except the Japanese language. soc.culture.usa The culture of
the United States of America. soc.human-nets Computer aided
communications digest. (Moderated) soc.religion.eastern Discussions of
Eastern religions. (Moderated) talk.bizarre The unusual, bizarre,
curious, and often stupid. talk.philosophy.misc Philosophical musings on all
topics. talk.politics.drugs The politics of drug issues. talk.politics.
space Non-technical issues affecting space exploration. talk.religion.
.newage Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.

| |
| E-Mail Addresses: |

(please use care and consideration when mailing to these people)

Aristotle [email protected] John Perry Barlow
[email protected] Cyndre the Grey [email protected]
Dorothy Denning [email protected] Peter J Denning
[email protected] Desert Fox [email protected]
Dispater [email protected] The EFF
[email protected] Mark Frauenfelder [email protected] Freaker's
Bureau Int'l [email protected] Gatsby
gatsby@ryptyde.tcs.com William Gibson [email protected] (mail
will auto-bounce) Mike Godwin [email protected] Emmanuel
Goldstein [email protected] Ground Zero
[email protected] Hactic [email protected] Hawkeye
(put this art. together)[email protected] Intertek (Steve Steinberg)
[email protected] Judge Dredd [email protected] Mitch
Kapor [email protected] Knight Lightning
(Craig Neidorf)[email protected] Lord Macduff
[email protected] Mentor (Loyd Blankenship) cs.utexas.
edu!dogface!fnordbox!loydb Mondo 2000 mondo2000@mcimail.
mci.com Gordon Meyer 72307.1502@compuserve.com Peter G
Neumann [email protected] Pengo (Hans Heubner)
[email protected] John S Quarterman [email protected] Eric S.
Raymond [email protected] Len Rose
[email protected] RU Sirius [email protected]
Bruce Sterling [email protected] St. Jude
[email protected] Cliff Stoll stoll@earthquake.
berkeley.edu Michael Synergy [email protected] Jim Thomas
[email protected] Tuc
[email protected] 2600 [email protected]

| |
| FTP Sites: |
(here is a small sampling of FTP sites you may find useful)

?? (irss) Music (/pub/manchester)

?? (trantor) Computer Underground (/files/text.phracks)

cert.sei.cmu.edu Security Center (/pub/)

chsun1.uchicago.edu Computer Underground (/pub/cud), EFF

cs.dal.ca Computer Underground, Nanotech,
Postmodern Culture, Discography, Fractals, Computing Ethics, and much much more
/pub/ (takes a looooong time to look through)

cs.uwp.edu Music: Discographies, Lyrics, Mists,
GIF's, Press Releases, etc. (/pub/music/)

eff.org Computer Underground, EFF, etc.(/pub/[EFF,
SJG, journals, cspr, academic, cud])

jyu.fi Drugs (/pub/alt.drugs)

milton.u.washington.edu Virtual Reality (/pub/virtual-worlds),
Drugs (/pub/alt.drugs)

nic.funet.fi Cultural Stuff (/pub/culture/), Computer
Underground (/pub/doc/phrack)

quartz.rutgers.edu Music (/pub/lyrics), Subgenius
(/pub/subgenius), Folklore (/pub/folklore)

uunet.uu.net Usenet FAQs (/usenet/), AI (/ai)

| |
| BBSes: |
359.2.20.4198 Viruse eXchange BBS (Bulgaria) 201.451.3063
Wrong Number 203.485.0088 Rune Stone 203.628.
9660 Dark Shadows 206.454.0075 Manta lair
209.526.3194 Tequilla Willie's Great Subterranean Carnival
214.324.3501 KeelyNet 214.522.5321 Dead
Zone 215.449.1902 Time Enough for Love (hippie oriented)
301.384.2482 The Empire 303.438.1481 The
Kracker Box 303.871.4824 Nyx (public access unix) 312.528.
5020 Ripco 401.847.2603 Underground
Computing Federation 408.241.9760 Netcom (public access
unix) 408.245.7726 darkside.com (public access unix) 408.
867.7400 Spies in the Wire 414.789.4210
Exec-PC 415.332.6106 The Well (public access unix) 415.472.
.5527 The Cyberden (public access unix - limited) 502.499.
8933 Blitzkrieg (NUP) 503.635.2615
Awakening Technology 512.447.4449 The Illuminati BBS (Steve
Jackson Games) 517.337.7319 Pure Nihilism 602.861.3167
Frayed Ends 602.894.1757 Unphamiliar Territory
(NUP) 603.465.2793 SkyNet 617.475.6187
Convent 617.861.8976 The Works 618.549.4955
Free Speech 703.820.0574 Pentavia 708.672.5426
World Trade Center 713.242.6853 Face-2-Face 713.522.
0709 Lucid Dreams 717.361.0947 Digital
Warfare (NUP) 718.358.9209 Switchboard 718.428.6776
Milliways 806.794.4362 Demon Roach Underground 914.
761.6877 Uncensored 916.481.2306 Phun
Line (NUP) 916.673.8412 Greenpeace's Inverted Granola Bar __
| |
| Books: |

??? American Flagg - comic
Cyberpunk - comic
Dirty Pair - comic
Judge Dredd - comic

Anonymous - Go Ask Alice. Diary of 15 year-old girl in the drug world.
- Computers: Crimes, Clues, and Controls. Hacking.

Adams, Douglas - The Meaning of Liff (fiction).
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (fiction).
- The Restaraunt at the End of the Universe (fiction).
- Life, the Universe, and Everything (fiction).
- So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish (fiction).

Aldiss, Brian Wilson - Barefoot in the Head (fiction).

Army, U.S. - Computer-Related Crime

Barlow, John Perry - Everything We Know is Wrong (forthcoming).

Bear, Greg - Blood Music (fiction)
- Eon (fiction)

Beck, Jerome, & Rosenbaum, Marsha - Pursuit of Ecstacy: The MDMA Experience.
?1;2c Belsito - HardCore California

Benedikt, Michael - Cyberspace: First Steps.

Blake, William - The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

Blankenship, Loyd (Steve Jackson Games) - GURPS Cyberpunk. RPG, guide to CP.

Bloombecker, Buck - Spectacular Computer Crimes. Hackers and RISKS and stuff.

Brecher, Edward M. (Consumer's Union) - Guide to Licit and Illicit Drugs.

Brunner, John - The Shockwave Rider (fiction)
- Stand on Zanzibar (fiction)

Burgess, Anthony - A Clockwork Orange (fiction).

Burroughs, William S. - Blade Runner (fiction)
- Interzone (fiction)
- Naked Lunch (fiction)
- Ticket That Exploded (fiction)
- The Third Mind (fiction)
- The Yage Letters

Carroll, Lewis - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (fiction)
- Through the Looking Glass (fiction)

Cornwall, Hugo - Datatheft. Hacking.
- Hacker's Handbook III. Hacking.

Crowley, Aleister - Diary of a Drug Fiend
- Magick Without Tears

Delany, Samuel - Dahlgren (fiction).

Dean, Ward - Smart Drugs & Nutrients. Nootropics, smart drugs.

Denning, Peter J. (ed. ACM) - Computers Under Attack. Viruses, Worms, Hackers

Dick, Phillip K. - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Blade Runner)(fiction)
- Flow My Tears the Policeman Said (fiction)
- Vulcan's Hammer (fiction)

Dobbs, Bob - Book of the SubGenius

Drexler, Eric- Engines of Creation. Nanotechnology.

Effinger, George Alec - A Fire in the Sun (fiction).
- When Gravity Fails (fiction).

Eisner, Bruce - Ecstacy: The MDMA Story.

Ford, John - Web of Angels (fiction).

Forester, Tom - Computer Ethics. Hacking, viruses, etc.

Friedman, David - The Machinery of Freedmon. Anarchy.

Furst, ??? - Hallucinogens and Culture

Gerrold, David - When Harlie Was One

Gibson, William - Burning Chrome (fiction)
- Count Zero (fiction)
- The Differnce Engine (with Bruce Sterling)(fiction)
- Mona Lisa Overdrive (fiction)
- Neuromancer (fiction)

Gottlieb, Adam - Art and Science of Cooking with Cannabis
- Legal Highs

Grof, Stanislov - The Human Encounter with Death. Death, Psychology, LSD.
- Realms of the Human Unconscious. LSD, Subconscious.

Hafner, Katie with John Markoff - Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers...Frontier

Hamit, Francis & Wes Thomas - Virtual Reality: Adentures in Cyberspace

Harry, ??? - Computer Underground

Heinlein, Robert - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (fiction)
- Notebooks of Lazarus Long (fiction)
- Stranger in a Strange Land (fiction)
- Time Enough for Love (fiction)

Helsel, Sandra & Judith Roth - Vurtual Reality: Practice, Theory, and Promise

Herer, Jack - Hemp & Marijuana Conspiracy: The Emperor Wears No Clothes

Hoffman, Abbie - Steal This Book
- Steal This Urine Test: Fighting Drug Hysteria
- Soon To Be a Major Motion Picutre
- Best of Abbie Hoffman

Hofmann, Albert - Insight/Outlook
- LSD: My Problem Child

Hofstadter, Douglas R. - The Mind's I: Reflections on Self & Soul.

Hooper, Judith - Would the Buddha Wear A Walkman? Catalogue of consciousness.

Hoy, ??? - Loompanics Greatest Hits

Hutchison, Michael - Megabrain. Consciousness, Brain growth, stimulation.

Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World (fiction)
- Brave New World Revisted (fiction)
- The Doors of Perception. Mescaline encounters.
- Ends and Means. Nature of ideals and realization.
- Heaven and Hell
- Island (fiction)
- Moksha. Hallucinogens, religious experiences, visions
- Perennial Philosophy. Philosophy and religion.

Kerouac, Jack - On the Road.

Kesey, Ken - Demon Box (fiction)
- Further Inquiry. Tales of the Merry Pranksters.
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (fiction)
- Sometimes a Great Notion. Autobiography.

Krueger, Myron W. - Artificial Reality

Landreth, Bill - Out of the Inner Circle. Hacking.

Leary, Timothy - Changing My Mind, Among Others
- Flashbacks
- Info Psychology
- Neuropolitiques
- Politics of Ecstacy
- Psychedelic Experience

Lee, Marvin - Acid Dreams: CIA, LSD, and the Sixties

Levy, Steven - Hackers. Origins of hackers.

Lilly, John - Center of the Cyclone: An Autobiography of Inner Space
- The Deep Self
- Programming and Metaprogramming the Human Biocomputer

Ludlow, ??? - Hasheesh eater: The Life of Pythagorean. published in 157!

Lyttle, ??? - Psychedelic Monographs and Essays Volumes #1-5

Malacalypse the Younger - The Principia Discordia. Church of the Subgenius.

McAffrey, Larry - Storming the Reality Studio. Cyberpunk, postmodern fiction.

McKenna, Terence - The Archaic Revival
- Food of the Gods
- True Hallucinations

Meddick, ??? - CyberpunkTrek. Robotman comic strip.

Milan, Victor - The Cybernetic Samurai (fiction)

Millman, Dan - Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Minsky, Marvin - Society of Mind

Moravec, Hans - Mind Children

Morrison, Jim - The American Night
- The Lords
- The New Creatures
- Wilderness

Mondo 2000 - (forthcoming)

Mothier, ??? - How to Get Off Drugs. From Rolling Stone.

Orwell, George - 1984 (fiction)

Otomo, Katsuhiro - Akira

Parker, Don - Fighting Computer Crime

Parsegian, V. Lawrence - This Cybernetic World. Cybernetics.

Parfrey, Adam - Apocalypse Culture. Pomo/industrialism.

Pelton, Ross - Mind Food & Smart Pills. Neuropharmacology.

Perry, Paul - On the Bus. Story of Ken Kesey and Merry Pranksters and stuff.
- Haight-Ashbury: A History

Pirsig, Robert - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Potter, Beverly - Way of the Ronin. Career, vocation changes.

Powell, William - The Anarchists Cookbook. Drug abuse, explosives, firearms.

Pynchon, Thomas - Crying of Lot 49
- Gravity's Rainbow
- V
- Vineland

Quarterman, John S. - The Matrix. Computer Networks.

Rand, Ayn - For the New Intellectual. Philosophy.

Ratsch, ??? - Gateway to Inner Space

Re/Search - Industrial Culture Handbook. Industrial musicians profiles.
- Modern Primitives

Rheingold, Howard - Virtual Reality. Cybernetics, virtual reality, simulation.

Robbins, Tom - Another Roadside Attraction (fiction)
- Even Cowgirls get the Blues (fiction)
- Jitterbug Perfume (fiction)
- Still Life with Woodpecker (fiction)

Rucker, Rudy - Software (fiction)
- Hardware (fiction)
- Wetware (fiction)
- The Secret of Life

Ryan, Thomas - The Adolescense of PI (fiction)

Schultes, Richard Evans - Plants of the Gods: Originis of Hallucionogens

Seymour, ??? - Drugfree. Staying off, from Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic

Shirley, John - Eclipse (fiction)
- Eclipse Corona (fiction)
- Eclipse Penumbra (fiction)
- City Come A'Walkin' (fiction)

Sieber, Ulrich - International Handbook on Computer Crime

Stafford, Peter - Psychedelics Encyclopedia

Stang, Ivan - High Weirdness By Mail. Fringes of culture sources.
- Three-Fisted Tales of Bob. Subgenius.

Starks, ??? - Cocaine Fiends and Reefer Madness. Drugs on film.

Stephenson, Neal - Snow Crash (fiction).

Sterling, Bruce - Artificial Kid (fiction)
- Crystal Express (fiction)
- Difference Enging (with William Gibson)
- Involution Ocean (fiction)
- Islands in the Net (fiction)
- Mirrorshades: A Cyberpunk Anthology (editor)
- Schismatrix (fiction)
- The Hacker Crackdown (forthcoming)

Stevens, Jay - Storming Heaven: LSD & the American Dream

Stoll, Clifford - The Cuckoo's Egg. Hacking.

Sturgeon, Theodore - More Than Human (fiction)

Swanwick, Michael - Vacuum Flowers (fiction)

Swezey, ??? - AMOK Dispatch

Thompson, Hunter S. - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
- The Great Shark Hunt

Toffler, Alvin - Future Shock. Social Change.
- The Third Wave. Social Change.

Turkle, Sherry - The Second Self: Computers & the Human Spirit

Varley, John - The Ophiuchi Hotline (fiction)

Vinge, Vernor - Marooned Across Realtime (fiction)
- True Names (fiction)

Wade, ??? - Anarchist's Guide to the BBS

Weil, Andrew - Marriage of Sun & Moon: Quest for Unity in Consciousness
- Natural Mind: Investigation of Drugs and Higher Consciousness

Whole Earth Catalog - Essential Whole Earth Catalog.
- The Fringes of Reason. Occultism.
- Pop Catalog.
- Signal, Communications for the Information Age.
- Software Catalog.
- Whole Earth Access Mail Order Catalog.

Wilson, Robert Anton - Cosmic Trigger
- Cosmic Trigger 2
- Historical Illuminatus Chronicles
The Earth Will Shake
Nature's God
The Widow's Son
- Illuminati Papers
- The Illuminatus! Trilogy
- Ishtar Rising
- Masks of the Illuminati
- New Inquisition
- Prometheus Rising
- Quantum Psychology
- Right Where You are Sitting Now
- Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy
- Sex & Drugs, A Journey Beyond Limits

Windling, Terri (editor) - Borderlands (fiction)
- Bordertown (fiction)

Wolfe, Tom - Electrik Kool-Aid Acid Test. Kesey & Pranksters & Haight-Ashbury.

Womack, Jack - Ambient (fiction).
Terraplane (fiction).
Heathern (fiction).

Zahn, Timothy - Cobra (fiction)
- Cobra Bargain (fiction)
- Cobra Strike (fiction)

| |
| Videos: |

(this is meant to be a broad base of futuristic or trippy movies, and, as in
the music category, everyone has their own personal tastes and opinions, and
this list would vary from person to person)

The Abyss (sci-fi) Aeon Flux (anime) Akira (anime) Alice in Wonderland
(animated) Alice in Acidland (porno) Alien[s, s^3] (sci-fi) Arise: The
Subgenius video Altered States (drama/sci-fi) Blade Runner (science fiction)
Bliss (drama) Brainstorm (sci-fi) Brazil (science fiction/fantasy) A Clockwork
Orange (science fiction) Cyberia on U-Network (music, animation) Cyberpunk
(Intercon productions) (documentary) Cyberpunk (animated) Cyberspace, Power and
Culture (documentary) The Doors (docudrama) Dreamscape (sci-fi/fantasy)
Drugstore Cowboy (drama) Dune (science fiction) Fantasia (animated) Hardware
(science fiction) Jacob's Ladder (drama) Koyaanisqatsi (documentary) The
Lawnmower Man (science fiction/fantasy) Liquid Sky (drama/sci-fi) Max Headroom
(science fiction) Metropolis (science fiction) eMpTV's Buzz
(documentary/soundbytes) eMpTV's Buzz Cut (music) eMpTV's Liquid Television
(anime/animated) Mystery Science Theater 3000 (TV show - comedy/science-
-fiction) Naked Lunch (drama) The 90's (Television station/show - docemntary)
Pink Floyd's Delicate Sound of Thunder (music) Powaqatsi (documentary) anything
by Psychic TV (Genesis P-Orridge) (music) Rocky Horror Picture Show
(musical/science-fiction/fantasy) Rush (drama) Sid & Nancy (drama/musical)
Slacker (docudrama) Star Wars, etc. (sci-fi) 2001 A Space Odyssey (science
fiction) 2600's Hacking Video (featured on 'Now It can Be Told')(documentary)
THX 1138 (science fiction) Tiny Toon's Vacation (animated) Total Recall
(science fiction) The Trip (drama) Tron (science fiction/fantasy) The Wall
(musical/docudrama) Videodrome (sci-fi/horror) Video Toaster Demo Tape
(computer graphics) Virtual Reality 1991 (documentary) Wax or the discovery of
television among the bees (forthcoming)
(email Artist #1 - [email protected] for info.) Wax Trax
Promotional Sampler Video (music) War Games (drama) Woodstock (documentary) ___
| |
| Music: |

(music is music and you like what you like, but here is a list of trippy or
futuristic oriented groups.....Undoubtedly you will argue with my
categorizations and selections, but each person has their own tastes and
preferences and opinions, so please don't make a big deal out of it...
Obviously this list is by no means definitive - that truly would be impossible,
but it should be enough to get you started in the right directions....)

Classic/Classic-Progressive/Progressive/etc. ----------------------------------
---------- Allan Parsons Project The Black Crowes The Doors Electric Light
Orchestra Emerson, Lake, & Palmer Grateful Dead Jimi Hendrix Information
Society (Hack) King Crimson Led Zeppelin Marillion Phish Pink Floyd Police
Primus Queensryche Ramones Red Hot Chilli Peppers Rush Smashing Pumpkins Thin
White Rope The Velvet Underground Violent Femmes War Ween Neil Young (the
unrelease cp/computer-experiment thing he did awhile back) Yes Frank Zappa

DJ's/Mixers/etc. ---------------- The Beatmasters Joey Beltram Frankie Bones
Jim Cauty (KLF) DNA Terry Farley Frankie Knuckles Graham Massey (808 State)
Mayday Dave Morales Tommy Musto Paul Oakenfold Steve Osborne Dr. Alex Paterson
(the Orb) Renegade Soundwave Evil Ed Richards Mark Ryder Thrash (the Orb)
Andrew Weatherall

Industrial/etc. --------------- Bigod 20 Braindead Sound Machine Cabaret
Voltaire Chris & Cosey ClockDVA Consolidated Cop Shoot Cop Cyberactif
Einsturzende Neubauten Extreme Noise Terror Foetus Front 242 Frontline Assembly
Edward Ka-spel KMFDM Legendary Pink Dots LFO MC 900 Ft. Jesus Meat Beat
Manifesto Ministry Moev My Life with the Thrill Kill Cult Nine Inch Nails
Negativland Nitzer Ebb 1000 Homo DJ's Pigface Psychic TV Renegade Soundwave
Rise Robot Rise Skinny Puppy Test Dept. Throbbing Gristle Wolfgang Press

Manchester/Madchester/Overground Dance/Shoegazer/etc. -------------------------
---------------------------- Art of Noise Beloved Blur Breeders Carter: The
Unstoppable Sex Machine Chapterhouse Charlatans Curve Depeche Mode Happy
Mondays Inspiral Carpets James Lush Moose My Bloody Valentine Ned's Atomic
Dustbin Primal Scream Ride Slowdive Soup Dragons Stone Roses Swervedriver
Wedding Present

New Age/Experimental/Experimental Jazz/etc. -----------------------------------
-------- Laurie Anderson Cocteau Twins Dead Can Dance Brian Eno Kitaro
Tangerine Dream Gary Thomas Vangelis

Punk/Thrash/Hardcore/Grindcore/Harder stuff/etc. ------------------------------
------------------ Agent Orange Agnostic Front Bad Brains Beat Happening Black
Flag Dead Kennedys Dinosaur, Jr. Firehose Fugazi Godflesh Gwar Hanoi Rocks Head
Candy Helmet Husker Du L7 Melvins Napalm Death Paleface Pavement Public Image
Limited Rollins Band Sex Pistols Social Distortion Sonic Youth Think Tree

Rap/Hip-Hop/etc. ---------------- De La Soul Disposable Heroes of HipHoprisy PM
Dawn Public Enemy A Tribe Called Quest Urban Dance Squad

Reggae/Ska/Dancehall/Jamaican/etc. ---------------------------------- Aswad Bob
Marley Ziggy Marley Jacob Miller Peter Tosh Yellowman

Techno/Rave/Club/Underground Dance/House/Amibent House/etc. -------------------
---------------------------------------- Altern8 Baby Ford Bass-o-Matic Blue
Pearl Candy Flip Gary Clail / On U-Sound System Dee-Lite 808 State Enigma Eon
Fini Tribe Fortran 5 Boy George (Jesus Loves You / Martyr Mantras) The Grid A
Guy Called Gerald Hypnotone KLF Kraftwerk Lords of Acid Moby Mr. Fingers New
Order N-Joi Orb William Orbit Orbital Quadrophonia S-Express Shamen Space St.
Etienne Sun Electric System 7 T99 World of Twist

| |
| Drugs: |

(*NOTE* - This is provided for informational purposes only. I do not
necessarily condone the use of these drugs. I sincerely suggest you do a lot
more thurough research if you plan to use any of the substances listed below.
Much of the information was obtained through the FAQs from alt.drugs - Please
check out the alt.drugs archives on ftp sites, where available - 2 ftp sites
containging more thurough and accurate drug information are listed in the FTP
section of this article)

[MAO Inhibitors - When using an MAO Inhibiting drug, don't ingest anything that
contains potentially dangerous amines - could produce awful, deadly side-
effects. MAO Inhibitors: sedatives, tranquilizers, antihistamines, narcotics,
alcohol, amphetamines, mescaline, asarone, nutmeg, macromerine, ephedrine,
dill/parsley/wild fennel oil, cocoa, coffee (caffeine-high substances, aged
cheese, and tyrosine-containing foods]

Nootropics/"Smart Drugs" ------------------------ Centrophenoxine (Lucidril)
-anti-aging effects
-intelligence booster Choline
-aids in production of acetylcholine DHEA
-appetite supressant
-protects neurons from senility degenrative conditions DMAE
-assists in some aspects of memory
-increases acetylcholine levels Gingko
-blood vessel diolators Hydergine (Ergoloid Mesylates)
-increases blood supply, oxygen to brain
-reduces tired, dizziness
-normalizes systolic pressure
-increases intelligence
-improves mental function
-enhances brain metabolism L-trpytophan
-prolongs slow-wave sleep
-reduces pain sensitivity
-aids in reducing anxiety, tension
-appetite suppressant L-phenylalanine
-stimulate's the release of your body's appetite-suppressants
-improves memory and mental alertness
-may incress sexual interest
-do not use with MAO inhibitors
-amino acid Phenytoin (Dilantin) Piracetam (Nootropyl)
-cognitive enhancer
-memory improver Propranolol Hydrochloride (Inderal) Sulbutiamine
-improves long-term memory
-facilitates wakefullness
-speeds reaction time
-decreases anxiety Vassopressin (Diapid - Nasal Spray)
-helps learn new memories (??)
-improves attention, concentration, recall
-helps clear your mind when under the influence of other substances
Marijuana & alcohol inhibit the release of vassopressin
Cocaine, LSD, Amphetamines deplete vassopressin
(if you use illegal 'non-smart' drugs, you might want some
of this) Vincamine (Oxicebral)
-aids in alertness
-increases activity Vinpocetine (Cavinton)
-memory enhancer Xanthinol Nicotinate

Psychedelics/Hallucinogens/Empathenogens/Etc. ---------------------------------
------------- Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds
-usage: 4-6 seeds from a seed pod
-eat on empty stomach after removing coating
-nausea likely
-similar to LSD with less visual effects, 6-8 hrs. LSD
-lysergic acid diethylamide-25, acid, cid, sid, lucy in the sky,
sugarcubes, blotter, tabs, microdots, windowpaine, etc. etc.
-causes hallucinations, altering/distortion of vision, auditory, time
enhancement of sensations, motor difficulties, loss of concentration
or consistent thought, pupil dilation (or opposite - 'ittles)
-not physically addictive, can be psychologically, though
-trip usually averages around 8-12 hours
-post-usage effects may include insomnia, jitters, temporary/permanent
psychosis, flashbacks, permanent trails, nausea
-usage: taken orally or licked, usually on blotter paper, sugarcubes,
jello, dropper, also eyeballs
-strychnine rumors/myths persist
-dosage is usually unknown
-150-200 mics usually induces heavy trip
-those with heart/physical problems, low tolerance should avoid
-set (your idea of what the drug will do / mood) and setting (where
you are and who you're with) have a _lot_ to do with the outcome of
what LSD does. First time trippers should trip only with people they
trust that have tripped before, and in a place where unexpected "bad"
things will not happen (police come in, parents, etc). Tim Leary has
lots of info on what could be done. Reading his books can only help.
-cannabis, pot, weed, mj, mary jane, etc. etc.
-consumption: joints, bongs, pipes, hash brownies, tea, etc.
-we don't really need much more info, do we? Morning Glory Seeds
-arborescens, carnea, costata, leptophylia, meulleri, murucoides,
purpurea, violacea
-usage: 5-10 grams
-consumption: orally, grind/soak/strain & drink, sprout by soaking
-most are chemically treated - can induce nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
-effects: trip-like but less hallucinogenic than lsd, 6 hours,
less intense MDMA
-ecstacy, X, E, XTC
-like a combo of LSD and Speed (the 'MA' is methamphetamine, mind you)
-effects similar to LSD, little or no visiual hallucinations
auditory/visual/time perception altered, sensations increased,
extreme emotional awareness, trips average around 6 hours
-XTC many times cause the user to "love" everything. Beware of taking
X with people you know little about. (You may end up giving your car
keys to your worst enemy). Any touch to your skin (in a sexual
sence) feels like heaven, even though sex may be imposible.
-usage: pills, caplets, in water
-street stuff may contain many different varieties of different
-much debata over toxocity and neuro-toxicity
-set and setting are extremely important, as with LSD
-long-term use can result in liver damage Mushrooms (Psilocype)
-Baeocystis (potent), caerulipes (blue foot), coprophila (dung-loving)
cubensis (common large), cyanescens (bluing), pelliculosa (conifer)
semilanceata (liberty cap), stunzii (stunz's blue legs),
amanita muscaria (fly agaric), conocybe smithii (bog conocybe),
gymopilus spectabilis (big laughing gym)
-never ingest unless positively identified by a mycologist to be
-effective dose of dried mushrooms: 1 gram (one or two whole shrooms)
-best taken on an empty stomach
-consumption: orally, smoked, tea (water + dried fragments)
-effects: trip lasting 6 hours or so, more visual & less auditory than
LSD, alters sound-perception though not as radically as LSD
-physical effects: liquid breathing, headache
-effects occur quicker, generally, than with LSD Nutmeg
-usage: 5-20 grams of freshly ground
-effects: heavy buzz, promotes lethargy, sleep, nausea, dry mouth,
pupil dilation Yohimbe bark
-usage: 6-10 teaspoons of shaved bark boiled in water & drank
can also be smoked
-effects: aphrodisiac (supposedly), perception changes (mild)
lasts 2-4 hours, insomnia, nausea possible
-rumored to cause longer-term erections in men. cool. ________________
| |
| Merchandise/Companies: |

(a lot of the companies on this list are on the very edge of the underground,
and would not exist but for the 1st ammendment - please use caution and care
when dealing with these people, and don't abuse them, otherwise you'll ruin it
for us all!)

Abbie Yo-Yo Inc. PO Box 15 Worcester, MA 01613
-things related to Abbie Hoffman

Albert Hofmann Foundation 8683 West Pico Blvd. Mailbox #107 Los Angeles, CA
90035 310.281.8110 (voice mail)
-"an international library for the scientific study of
psychedelic substances and human consciousness"

Ameba 1732 Haight St. San Francisco, CA 94117 800.292.6322
-Rave clothes and stuff

Amok PO Box 861867 Terminal Annex Los Angeles, CA 90086-1867
-hard to find/underground books
catalog is a whopping $9 (400 pages)

Autodesk, Inc. 2320 Marinship Way Sausalito, CA 94965
-makers of Chaos software. $59.95

Autonomedia 55 Sotuh 11th Street NY, NY 11211
-edge/post-modern publishing company

Berkeley Designs 2615 Shasta Rd Berkeley, CA 94708 510.549.0129
-sells t-shirts with fractal and cyberpunk designs (90's tie-dye's)
send a SASE

Bonnie & Clyde's PO Box 479 Point Blank, TX 77364
-mailbox head shop

Books by Phone Box 522 Berkeley, CA 94701 800.858.2665 (orders) 510.548.2124
-large library of hard-to-find books related to CP, drugs, etc.
nice resource, but you pay a lot for it :-)

Church Of SubGenius PO Box 140306 Dallas, TX 75214

Consumertronics 2011 Crescent Dr. PO Drawer 537 Alamogordo, NM 88310 505.434.
0234 500.434.0234 (fax - orders only)
-hacking/phreaking manuals

Cyberpunk Books Prince St. Station PO Box 96 NY, NY 10012
-write for a list

Digital Underground CDs 526 South 5th Street Philadelphia, PA (Zip unknown)
-mail-order industrial cd's

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc. 155 2nd St. Cambridge, MA 02141 617.
864.1550 (voice) 617.864.0886 (fax) [email protected]
-group protecting your rights on-line

Feral House Productions PO Box 861893 Los Angeles, CA 90086-1893
-obscure books

Further Connections Waves Forest PO Box 768 Monterey, CA 93940
-fringe science

Global-Jungle IMC Attention: Distribution 11901 Swearingen, Box #76 Austin, TX
-cyberpunk artists' conglomerate

InHome Health Services Box 3112 CH-2800 Delemont Switzerland

Interlab BCM Box 5890 London WC1N 3XX England

Kodak's Center for Creative Imagining 800.428.7400
-offers classes in electronic imaging "taught by artists and industry
experts with state-of-the-art technology"
anyway, call 'em and ask 'em for their catalogue - might be decent
(at least the ad in Mondo looks nifty :-)

Loompanics, Ltd. PO Box 1197 Port Townsend, WA 98368
-carries a large collection of underground/hard-to-find books and stuff
send for a catalog

Mark Ziesing Books PO Box 76 Shingleton, CA 96088 800.869.0348 916.474.1580
-mail-order cp/sf book service
send $1 for a catalog
recommended by top cp authors/luminaries

Media Magic PO Box 507 Nicasio, CA 94946 415.662.2426
-books, videos, merchandise related to vr, cyberspace

Nettwerk Records Attn: Mail Order 1755 Robson St. Box 330 Vancouver, British
Columbia V6G3B7
-record company

NewTek, Inc. 215 SE 8th St. Topeka, KS 66603 800.843.8934
-makers of the great Video Toaster
send 'em $4.95 for a demo tape of what the Video Toaster does

NORML (National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws) 1636 R St. N.W.
(or try 2001 S St. N.W. Suite 640) Washington, DC 20009 202.483.
-popular politically-active group

Nutrient Cafe Wholesale PO Box 170156 San Francisco, CA 94117-0156
- high tech nutrient mixtures

...of the jungle PO Box 1801 Sebastopol, CA 95473
-legal highs and such

Onion Press 6818 West State, Suite 116 Milwaukee, WI 53213
-catalog of underground publications
-sens a SASE

Paladin Press PO Box 1307 Boulder, CO 80306
-obscure books

Rainbow Tribe PO Box 116 Wilton, New Hampshire 03086
-the Rainbow Gathering Tribe

Re/Search Publications 70 Romolo Street #B San Franssico, CA 94133

Rip Off Press PO Box 4686 Auburn, CA 96504

Sense8 1001 Bridgeway #477 sausalito, CA 94965 415.331.6318 415.331.9148
-vr firm

Spectrum Dynamics 2016 Main St. Ste #1207 Houston, TX 77002-8843
-vr merchandise/producs - 20pg catalog is $15

SST Records PO Box 1 Lawndale, CA 90260
-send for catalog

STZ Corporation PO Box 22 Monmouth, Gwent NP5 3XU United Kingdom
-rave t-shirts and clothing

Sub Pop Mail Order 1932 1st Avenue #1103 Seattle, WA 98101
-send for catalog

Survival Books 11106 Magnolia Blvd. North Hollywood, CA 91601

TOPYUS (Psychic TV) PO Box 18223 Denver, CO 80218
-Genesis P-Orridge's Psychic TV
send a SASE for info on Psychic TV, catalogs, albums, t-shirts,
videos, books, etc.

Virtual Research 1313 Socorro Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94089 408.739.7114
-a vr firm

VPL Research, Inc. 950 Tower Lane Foster City, CA 94404
-Jaron Lanier's famous virtual reality firm

Wax Trax Records 1659 North Damen Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60647 312.252.1000
312.252.1007 (fax)
-send SASE for catalog

Zentech Box 138 Morgan Bay Rd. Surry, ME 04684
-cyberpunk, virtual reality merchandise

| |
| see ya! |

Welp, that looks like it for now. Have fun!

Many thanks go out to the masses who have added their suggestions, too numerous
to mention. But an extra-special thanks to Bruce Sterling and Steve Brown of
SF Eye for being *extremely* helpful with suggestions, comments, and info!

Final Hellos to: the nameless masses. (yes, you!). And all those living on
the edge of the future, and to all those working to protect cyberspace from the
fascism that now threatens it. And everyone else. :-)

Again, if you have any questions/comments/concerns/criticisms/corrections or
any additional info, please contact me at [email protected] - or on The
Kracker Box BBS at 303.438.1481.
To the best of our knowledge, the text on this page may be freely reproduced and distributed.
If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.


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